Jessica Aspfors
Jessica Aspfors
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na nord.no
Mentoring of new teachers as a contested practice: Supervision, support and collaborative self-development
S Kemmis, HLT Heikkinen, G Fransson, J Aspfors, C Edwards-Groves
Teaching and teacher education 43, 154-164, 2014
Research on mentor education for mentors of newly qualified teachers: A qualitative meta-synthesis
J Aspfors, G Fransson
Teaching and teacher education 48, 75-86, 2015
Caring about caring: newly qualified teachers’ experiences of their relationships within the school community
J Aspfors, T Bondas
Teachers and teaching 19 (3), 243-259, 2013
Explicit and implicit perspectives on research-based teacher education: Newly qualified teachers’ experiences in Finland
J Aspfors, G Eklund
Journal of Education for Teaching 43 (4), 400-413, 2017
Understanding mentoring of new teachers: Communicative and strategic practices in Australia and Finland
HLT Heikkinen, J Wilkinson, J Aspfors, L Bristol
Teaching and Teacher Education 71, 1-11, 2018
Induction practices: Experiences of newly qualified teachers
J Aspfors
Åbo Akademi-Åbo Akademi University, 2012
Organizing curriculum change: An introduction
I Westbury, J Aspfors, AV Fries, SE Hansén, F Ohlhaver, M Rosenmund, ...
Journal of Curriculum Studies 48 (6), 729-743, 2016
Newly qualified teachers’ understandings of research-based teacher education practices− two cases from Finland and Norway
R Jakhelln, G Eklund, J Aspfors, K Bjørndal, G Stølen
Scandinavian journal of educational research 65 (1), 123-139, 2021
Visions for teacher education–experiences from Finland
SE Hansén, L Forsman, J Aspfors, M Bendtsen
University of Oslo, 2012
Healthcare middle managers’ experiences of developing capacity and capability: a systematic review and meta-synthesis
TA Hartviksen, J Aspfors, L Uhrenfeldt
BMC health services research 19, 1-19, 2019
Healthcare middle managersexperiences developing leadership capacity and capability in a public funded learning network
TA Hartviksen, BM Sjolie, J Aspfors, L Uhrenfeldt
BMC health services research 18, 1-11, 2018
The researcher as a negotiator–exploring collaborative professional development projects with teachers
J Aspfors, M Pörn, L Forsman, P Salo, G Karlberg-Granlund
Education Inquiry 6 (4), 27045, 2015
Dichotomous and multifaceted: Teacher educators’ understanding of professional knowledge in research-based teacher education
KM Jegstad, TA Fiskum, J Aspfors, G Eklund
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 66 (6), 1005-1019, 2022
From transmission to site-based professional development: On the art of combining research with facilitation
L Forsman, G Karlberg-Granlund, M Pörn, P Salo, J Aspfors
Lost in practice: Transforming Nordic educational action research, 113-132, 2014
Mentoring as dialogue, collaboration and/or assessment?
J Aspfors, G Fransson, HLT Heikkinen
Transitions and transformations in learning and education, 271-290, 2012
Gruppmentorskap som stöd för lärares professionella utveckling
J Aspfors, SE Hansén
Söderströms förlag, 2011
Å analysere og endre praksis: Teorien om praksisarkitekturer
J Aspfors, R Jakhelln, E Sjølie
Universitetsforlaget, 2021
Master’s thesis–a tool for professional development? Teachers’ experiences from Finnish teacher education
G Eklund, J Aspfors, SE Hansén
Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis 13 (2), 76-92, 2019
Healthcare middle managers’ capacity and capability to quality improvement
TA Hartviksen, J Aspfors, L Uhrenfeldt
Leadership in health services 33 (3), 279-294, 2020
Stability, structure and development. Features constituting Finnish teacher education
J Aspfors, H Sven-Erik, J Ray
Scuola democratica 4 (3), 0-0, 2013
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