Hamid R. Lashgari
CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery in Bakken tight oil reservoirs
W Yu, HR Lashgari, K Wu, K Sepehrnoori
Fuel 159, 354-363, 2015
Simulation Study of CO2 Huff-n-Puff Process in Bakken Tight Oil Reservoirs
W Yu, HR Lashgari, K Sepehrnoori
SPE Western Regional Meeting, SPE-169575-MS, 2014
Static and dynamic reservoir modeling for geological CO2 sequestration at Cranfield, Mississippi, USA
SA Hosseini, H Lashgari, JW Choi, JP Nicot, J Lu, SD Hovorka
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 18, 449-462, 2013
Evaluation of carbon dioxide storage and miscible gas EOR in shale oil reservoirs
HR Lashgari, A Sun, T Zhang, GA Pope, LW Lake
Fuel 241, 1223-1235, 2019
A novel method to model and characterize in-situ bio-surfactant production in microbial enhanced oil recovery
P Hosseininoosheri, HR Lashgari, K Sepehrnoori
Fuel 183, 501-511, 2016
A semianalytical approach to model two-phase flowback of shale-gas wells with complex-fracture-network geometries
R Yang, Z Huang, G Li, W Yu, K Sepehrnoori, HR Lashgari, S Tian, ...
SPE Journal 22 (06), 1808-1833, 2017
Capillary pressure effect on phase behavior of CO2/hydrocarbons in unconventional reservoirs
Y Zhang, HR Lashgari, Y Di, K Sepehrnoori
Fuel 197, 575-582, 2017
Capillary pressure effect on hydrocarbon phase behavior in unconventional reservoirs
Y Zhang, HR Lashgari, Y Di, K Sepehrnoori
SPE Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology Conference/Low-Permeability …, 2016
Simulation of viscoelastic polymer flooding-from the lab to the field
P Qi, H Lashgari, H Luo, M Delshad, G Pope, M Balhoff
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D011S007R006, 2018
Effect of capillary pressure and salinity on CO2 solubility in brine aquifers
Y Zhang, HR Lashgari, K Sepehrnoori, Y Di
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 57, 26-33, 2017
Double diffusive natural convection of CO2 in a brine saturated geothermal reservoir: Study of non-modal growth of perturbations and heterogeneity effects
AW Islam, HR Lashgari, K Sephernoori
Geothermics 51, 325-336, 2014
A semianalytical method for modeling two-phase flow in coalbed-methane reservoirs with complex fracture networks
R Yang, Z Huang, W Yu, HR Lashgari, K Sepehrnoori
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 21 (03), 719-732, 2018
Development of a four-phase thermal-chemical reservoir simulator for heavy oil
HR Lashgari
A four-phase chemical/gas model in an implicit-pressure/explicit-concentration reservoir simulator
HR Lashgari, K Sepehrnoori, M Delshad
SPE Journal 21 (04), 1086-1105, 2016
Numerical prediction of reservoir souring under the effect of temperature, ph, and salinity on the kinetics of sulfate-reducing bacteria
P Hosseininoosheri, H Lashgari, K Sepehrnoori
SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry?, D011S001R007, 2017
Steam-surfactant-foam modeling in heavy oil reservoirs
HR Lashgari, M Lotfollahi, M Delshad, K Sepehrnoori, E de Rouffignac
SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, D031S016R006, 2014
A new three-phase microemulsion relative permeability model for chemical flooding reservoir simulators
HR Lashgari, GA Pope, M Tagavifar, H Luo, K Sepehrnoori, Z Li, ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D021S019R008, 2017
Development of a four-phase chemical-gas model in an IMPEC reservoir simulator
HR Lashgari, K Sepehrnoori, M Delshad, E DeRouffignac
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, D012S021R001, 2015
Modeling of low-tension surfactant-gas flooding process in a four-phase flow simulator
HR Lashgari, K Sepehrnoori, M Delshad
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D021S027R004, 2015
Selection of a Chemical EOR Strategy in a Heavy Oil Reservoir Using Laboratory Data and Reservoir Simulation
R Fortenberry, P Suniga, S Mothersele, M Delshad, H Lashgari, GA Pope
SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, SPE-174520-MS, 2015
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