Alicia Murga
Alicia Murga
Kobe University, Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na harbor.kobe-u.ac.jp - Domača stran
Experimental study of oil mist characteristics generated from minimum quantity lubrication and flood cooling
Y Wang, A Murga, Z Long, SJ Yoo, K Ito
Energy and Built Environment 2 (1), 45-55, 2021
Decreasing inhaled contaminant dose of a factory worker through a hybrid Emergency Ventilation System: Performance evaluation in worst-case scenario
A Murga, Z Long, SJ Yoo, E Sumiyoshi, K Ito
Energy and Built Environment 1 (3), 319-326, 2020
Integrated analysis of numerical weather prediction and computational fluid dynamics for estimating cross-ventilation effects on inhaled air quality inside a factory
A Murga, Y Sano, Y Kawamoto, K Ito
Atmospheric Environment 167, 11-22, 2017
Multi-stage downscaling procedure to analyse the impact of exposure concentration in a factory on a specific worker through computational fluid dynamics modelling
A Murga, SJ Yoo, K Ito
Indoor and Built Environment 27 (4), 486-498, 2018
Can the inhalation exposure of a specific worker in a cross-ventilated factory be evaluated by time-and spatial-averaged contaminant concentration?
A Murga, K Kuga, SJ Yoo, K Ito
Environmental Pollution 252, 1388-1398, 2019
Numerical study of indoor oil mist particle concentration distribution in an industrial factory using the Eulerian–Eulerian and Eulerian–Lagrangian methods
Y Wang, J Sun, M Zhao, A Murga, SJ Yoo, K Ito, Z Long
Fluids 8 (10), 264, 2023
Large eddy simulation of droplet transport and deposition in the human respiratory tract to evaluate inhalation risk
A Murga, R Bale, CG Li, K Ito, M Tsubokura
PLOS Computational Biology 19 (3), e1010972, 2023
Hybrid emergency ventilation system for controlling inhaled contaminant dose in the case of chemical leakage
S Ichimiya, A Murga, SJ Yoo, E Sumiyoshi, H Harashima, Z Long, K Ito
Indoor and Built Environment 31 (3), 696-709, 2022
Transient flow and particle deposition in the respiratory tract: RANS versus LES comparison
A Murga, S Ohashi, CG Li, R Bale, M Tsubokura
17th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2022, 2022
Can Local Ventilation Reduce Fine Particles Dispersion Caused by a Coughing Patient in a Hospital Environment?
A Murga, CG Li, R Bale, H Fukudome, S Yumino, R Yokono, M Tsubokura
International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, 2127-2136, 2022
Personal inhalation risk assessment based on a hybrid method using CFD-CSP-PBTK modelling: quantification of time-averaged and peak concentration differences
A Murga, K Kuga, SJ Yoo, K Ito
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 609 (4), 042003, 2019
Ventilation strategies for inhalation exposure risk mitigation: Eulerian-Lagrangian LES analysis of particle-laden turbulent flow applying virtual manikins
A Murga, R Bale, K Ito, M Tsubokura
Building and Environment 266, 112149, 2024
Optimization of airflow rate in a displacement-ventilated room to minimize particle inhalation risk and control energy consumption
A Murga, H Nakagawa, R Bale, M Tsubokura
Rethinking different ventilation strategies in a post-pandemic era: a CFD assessment
A Murga, K Ito, M Tsubokura
Using CFD to develop a virtual human manikin for infection risk assessment
A Murga, K Ito, M Tsubokura
한국전산유체공학회 학술대회논문집, 294-295, 2022
Transient flow and particle deposition in the respiratory tract: RANS versus LES comparison
AM Murga Aquino, S Ohashi, CG Li, R Bale, M Tsubokura
17th International Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air …, 2022
Large eddy simulation of droplet transport and inhalation exposure between interacting virtual humans
MAA Maria, L ChungGang, B Rahul, I Kazuhide, T Makoto
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 令和 4 年度大会 (神戸) 学術講演論文集 …, 2022
Estimation of diurnally-averaged inhalation exposure risk in a naturally cross-ventilated factory by NWP-CFD integrated analysis
A Murga, K Ito
RoomVent & Ventilation 2018, 301-306, 2018
Dynamic downscaling and hybrid CFD–transient network modelling analysis for estimating inhaled air quality
A Murga, K Ito
Conference of Building Energy and Environment, COBEE 2018, 2018
Prediction of Inhalation Exposure in a factory by integrated analysis of numerical weather prediction and computational fluid dynamics
M Alicia, K ITO
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 平成 29 年度大会 (高知) 学術講演論文 …, 2017
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