Vaso-occlusive delivery device with kink resistant, flexible distal end WS Henry, C Daly, R Ford, MD Williams, H Duong, H Devaney, ... US Patent 9,636,115, 2017 | 255 | 2017 |
Assessing the assessment of programming ability C Daly, J Waldron ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 36 (1), 210-213, 2004 | 109 | 2004 |
RoboProf and an introductory computer programming course C Daly ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 31 (3), 155-158, 1999 | 85 | 1999 |
An automated learning system for Java programming C Daly, JM Horgan IEEE transactions on Education 47 (1), 10-17, 2004 | 72 | 2004 |
Platform independent dynamic java virtual machine analysis: the java grande forum benchmark suite C Daly, J Horgan, J Power, J Waldron Proceedings of the 2001 joint ACM-ISCOPE conference on Java Grande, 106-115, 2001 | 66 | 2001 |
Patterns of plagiarism C Daly, J Horgan ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 37 (1), 383-387, 2005 | 59 | 2005 |
Mass production of individual feedback D Heaney, C Daly Proceedings of the 9th annual SIGCSE conference on Innovation and technology …, 2004 | 29 | 2004 |
A technique for detecting plagiarism in computer code C Daly, J Horgan The Computer Journal 48 (6), 662-666, 2005 | 25 | 2005 |
Heart rate awareness in patients with chronic stable heart failure. A multi-center observational study D Moran, A Buckley, K Daly, B Meaney, R Curtin, JO O'Neill, N Colwell, ... International journal of cardiology 177 (2), 380-384, 2014 | 18 | 2014 |
Profiling the plagiarists: An examination of the factors that lead students to cheat C Daly, JM Horgan Journal of Educational Computing Research 36 (1), 39-50, 2007 | 12 | 2007 |
Using Moodle—An open source leaning management system in Australian Mining Engineering Education S Saydam, W Timms, S Raval, C Daly 2013 IEEE International Conference in MOOC, Innovation and Technology in …, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
Prevalence, contributing factors, and management strategies for test and maths anxiety in first-year psychology students K Dennis, C Daly, SC Provost Australian Journal of Psychology 55, 176-176, 2003 | 9 | 2003 |
Introductory programming, problem solving and computer-based assessment C Daly, J Waldron CAA 2002 International Conference, University of Loughborough, Retrieved …, 2002 | 9 | 2002 |
Comparison of factors influencing bytecode usage in the Java virtual machine J Waldron, C Daly, D Gray, J Horgan Second International Conference and Exhibition on the Practical Application …, 2000 | 9 | 2000 |
Ambulatory postoperative ward-based epidural analgesia: a retrospective review of 1,147 cases P Duff, C Daly, C McCrory Irish journal of medical science 182, 139-141, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Moving-eye figure. CM Daly, GA Weidhaas US Patent 1,061,965, 1913 | 5 | 1913 |
Hygienic eating utensil. CM Daly, GA Weidhaas, WS Henry US Patent 910,914, 1909 | 4 | 1909 |
Fuzzy logic methods for image motion detection and analysis B Wang, C Daly, M Ryan, M Scott Proceedings of IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Conference-SMC 2, 48-52, 1993 | 3 | 1993 |
An evaluation of the effectiveness of teamwork, with an emphasis on peer assessment and peer review, in an introductory engineering course C Daly Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 114 (12 …, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
A technique for measuring plagiarism in automated & distance learning environments S Byrne, C Daly, J Horgan, J Waldron Proceedings of the winter international synposium on Information and …, 2004 | 2 | 2004 |