SC Srivastava
SC Srivastava
Department of Elect. Eng., IIT Kanpur
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na iitk.ac.in
Congestion management in competitive power market: A bibliographical survey
A Kumar, SC Srivastava, SN Singh
Electric Power Systems Research 76 (1-3), 153-164, 2005
A zonal congestion management approach using real and reactive power rescheduling
A Kumar, SC Srivastava, SN Singh
IEEE transactions on power systems 19 (1), 554-562, 2004
Tillage and residue management effects on soil aggregation, organic carbon dynamics and yield attribute in rice–wheat cropping system under reclaimed sodic soil
SG Choudhury, S Srivastava, R Singh, SK Chaudhari, DK Sharma, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 136, 76-83, 2014
A non-unit protection scheme for DC microgrid based on local measurements
A Meghwani, SC Srivastava, S Chakrabarti
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 32 (1), 172-181, 2016
A robust three phase power flow algorithm for radial distribution systems
D Thukaram, HM Wijekoon Banda, J Jerome
Electric Power Systems Research 50 (3), 227-236, 1999
Control strategies of a DC microgrid for grid connected and islanded operations
M Kumar, SC Srivastava, SN Singh
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (4), 1588-1601, 2015
Global occurrence of deoxynivalenol in food commodities and exposure risk assessment in humans in the last decade: A survey
S Mishra, S Srivastava, J Dewangan, A Divakar, S Kumar Rath
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 60 (8), 1346-1374, 2022
Optimal reactive power dispatch considering FACTS devices
P Preedavichit, SC Srivastava
Electric Power Systems Research 46 (3), 251-257, 1998
Grid integration of small-scale photovoltaic systems in secondary distribution network—A review
R Panigrahi, SK Mishra, SC Srivastava, AK Srivastava, NN Schulz
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 56 (3), 3178-3195, 2020
A synchrophasor assisted frequency and voltage stability based load shedding scheme for self-healing of power system
K Seethalekshmi, SN Singh, SC Srivastava
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2 (2), 221-230, 2011
A modified TLS-ESPRIT-based method for low-frequency mode identification in power systems utilizing synchrophasor measurements
P Tripathy, SC Srivastava, SN Singh
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26 (2), 719-727, 2010
A zonal congestion management approach using ac transmission congestion distribution factors
A Kumar, SC Srivastava, SN Singh
Electric power systems Research 72 (1), 85-93, 2004
Multi-criteria decision-making approach for multi-stage optimal placement of phasor measurement units
R Sodhi, SC Srivastava, SN Singh
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 5 (2), 181-190, 2011
A classification approach using support vector machines to prevent distance relay maloperation under power swing and voltage instability
K Seethalekshmi, SN Singh, SC Srivastava
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 27 (3), 1124-1133, 2012
Optimal PMU placement method for complete topological and numerical observability of power system
R Sodhi, SC Srivastava, SN Singh
Electric Power Systems Research 80 (9), 1154-1159, 2010
Salinomycin: A new paradigm in cancer therapy
J Dewangan, S Srivastava, SK Rath
Tumor Biology 39 (3), 1010428317695035, 2017
A cubature Kalman filter based power system dynamic state estimator
A Sharma, SC Srivastava, S Chakrabarti
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 66 (8), 2036-2045, 2017
New optimal power-dispatch algorithm using Fletcher's quadratic programming method
J Nanda, DP Kothari, SC Srivastava
IEE Proceedings C (Generation, Transmission and Distribution) 136 (3), 153-161, 1989
Placement of FACTS controllers using modal controllability indices to damp out power system oscillations
BK Kumar, SN Singh, SC Srivastava
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 1 (2), 209-217, 2007
A decentralized automatic generation control scheme for competitive electricity markets
B Tyagi, SC Srivastava
IEEE transactions on power systems 21 (1), 312-320, 2006
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