Maiju Lehtiniemi
Maiju Lehtiniemi
Research professor, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Marine Research Center
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Ingestion and transfer of microplastics in the planktonic food web
O Setälä, V Fleming-Lehtinen, M Lehtiniemi
Environmental pollution 185, 77-83, 2014
Feeding type affects microplastic ingestion in a coastal invertebrate community
O Setälä, J Norkko, M Lehtiniemi
Marine pollution bulletin 102 (1), 95-101, 2016
Size matters more than shape: Ingestion of primary and secondary microplastics by small predators
M Lehtiniemi, S Hartikainen, P Näkki, J Engström-Öst, A Koistinen, ...
Food webs 17, e00097, 2018
Metabarcoding of marine zooplankton: prospects, progress and pitfalls
A Bucklin, PK Lindeque, N Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, A Albaina, M Lehtiniemi
Journal of Plankton Research 38 (3), 393-400, 2016
Climate change and eutrophication induced shifts in northern summer plankton communities
S Suikkanen, S Pulina, J Engström-Öst, M Lehtiniemi, S Lehtinen, ...
PLoS one 8 (6), e66475, 2013
Distribution and abundance of surface water microlitter in the Baltic Sea: a comparison of two sampling methods
O Setälä, K Magnusson, M Lehtiniemi, F Norén
Marine pollution bulletin 110 (1), 177-183, 2016
Microplastic concentrations, size distribution, and polymer types in the surface waters of a northern European lake
E Uurasjärvi, S Hartikainen, O Setälä, M Lehtiniemi, A Koistinen
Water Environment Research 92 (1), 149-156, 2020
Ten recommendations for advancing the assessment and management of non-indigenous species in marine ecosystems
H Ojaveer, BS Galil, D Minchin, S Olenin, A Amorim, J Canning-Clode, ...
Marine Policy 44, 160-165, 2014
Dose of truth—monitoring marine non-indigenous species to serve legislative requirements
M Lehtiniemi, H Ojaveer, M David, B Galil, S Gollasch, C McKenzie, ...
Marine policy 54, 26-35, 2015
Turbidity decreases anti-predator behaviour in pike larvae, Esox lucius
M Lehtiniemi, J Engström-Öst, M Viitasalo
Environmental Biology of Fishes 73, 1-8, 2005
Historical baselines in marine bioinvasions: Implications for policy and management
H Ojaveer, BS Galil, JT Carlton, H Alleway, P Goulletquer, M Lehtiniemi, ...
PloS one 13 (8), e0202383, 2018
Bioturbation transports secondary microplastics to deeper layers in soft marine sediments of the northern Baltic Sea
P Näkki, O Setälä, M Lehtiniemi
Marine pollution bulletin 119 (1), 255-261, 2017
A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions
L Vilizzi, GH Copp, JE Hill, B Adamovich, L Aislabie, D Akin, AJ Al-Faisal, ...
Science of the Total Environment 788, 147868, 2021
Microplastics in marine food webs
O Setälä, M Lehtiniemi, R Coppock, M Cole
Microplastic contamination in aquatic environments, 339-363, 2018
Swim or hide: predator cues cause species specific reactions in young fish larvae
M Lehtiniemi
Journal of Fish Biology 66 (5), 1285-1299, 2005
Marine strategy framework directive
S Olenin, F Alemany, AC Cardoso, S Gollasch, P Goulletquer, ...
Task Group 2, 2010
Dynamics of biological invasions and pathways over time: a case study of a temperate coastal sea
H Ojaveer, S Olenin, A Narščius, AB Florin, E Ezhova, S Gollasch, ...
Biological Invasions 19, 799-813, 2017
Feeding, reproduction and toxin accumulation by the copepods Acartia bifilosa and Eurytemora affinis in the presence of the toxic cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena
B Kozlowsky-Suzuki, M Karjalainen, M Lehtiniemi, J Engström-Öst, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 249, 237-249, 2003
Microplastics accumulate to thin layers in the stratified Baltic Sea
E Uurasjärvi, M Pääkkönen, O Setälä, A Koistinen, M Lehtiniemi
Environmental Pollution 268, 115700, 2021
Assessment of bioinvasion impacts on a regional scale: a comparative approach
A Zaiko, M Lehtiniemi, A Narščius, S Olenin
Biological Invasions 13, 1739-1765, 2011
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