Matias C. Ghiglione
Matias C. Ghiglione
Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires–CONICET
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Progression of deformation and sedimentation in the southernmost Andes
M Ghiglione, V Ramos
Tectonophysics 405 (2), 2005
Tectonic evolution of the Patagonian Andes
VA Ramos, MC Ghiglione
Developments in quaternary sciences 11, 57-71, 2008
Structure and tectonic history of the foreland basins of southernmost South America
MC Ghiglione, J Quinteros, D Yagupsky, P Bonillo-Martínez, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 29 (2), 262-277, 2010
Kinematic models of basement/cover interaction: Insights from the Malargüe fold and thrust belt, Mendoza, Argentina
L Giambiagi, M Ghiglione, E Cristallini, G Bottesi
Journal of Structural Geology 31 (12), 1443-1457, 2009
Structural, tectonic and glaciological controls on the evolution of fjord landscapes
NF Glasser, MC Ghiglione
Geomorphology 105 (3-4), 291-302, 2009
Have the southernmost Andes been curved since Late Cretaceous time? An analog test for the Patagonian Orocline
MC Ghiglione, EO Cristallini
Geology 35 (1), 13-16, 2007
Structure and evolution of the Austral Basin fold-thrust belt, southern Patagonian Andes
MC Ghiglione, F Suarez, A Ambrosio, G Da Poian, EO Cristallini, ...
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 65 (1), 215-226, 2009
Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Alto Tunuyán foreland basin above the transition zone between the flat and normal subduction segment (33 30′–34 S), western Argentina
LB Giambiagi, MA Tunik, M Ghiglione
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 14 (7), 707-724, 2001
U–Pb zircon ages from the northern Austral basin and their correlation with the Early Cretaceous exhumation and volcanism of Patagonia
MC Ghiglione, M Naipauer, C Sue, V Barberón, V Valencia, ...
Cretaceous Research 55, 116-128, 2015
Continental stretching preceding the opening of the Drake Passage: evidence from Tierra del Fuego
MC Ghiglione, D Yagupsky, M Ghidella, VA Ramos
Geology 36 (8), 643-646, 2008
Geodynamic context for the deposition of coarse‐grained deep‐water axial channel systems in the Patagonian Andes
MC Ghiglione, J Likerman, V Barberón, LB Giambiagi, B Aguirre‐Urreta, ...
Basin Research 26 (6), 726-745, 2014
Growth of the southern Patagonian Andes (46–53 S) and their relation to subduction processes
MC Ghiglione, VA Ramos, J Cuitiño, V Barberón
Growth of the southern Andes, 201-240, 2016
Cinemática de apertura del sector norte de la cuenca Neuquina
L Giambiagi, M Tunik, S Barredo, F Bechis, M Ghiglione, P Alvarez, ...
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 65 (2), 278-292, 2009
Diques clásticos asociados a deformación transcurrente en depósitos sinorogénicos del Mioceno inferior de la Cuenca Austral
MC Ghiglione
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 57 (2), 103-118, 2002
The Austral-Magallanes Basin (southern Patagonia): a synthesis of its stratigraphy and evolution
JI Cuitiño, AN Varela, MC Ghiglione, S Richiano, DG Poiré
Latin American journal of sedimentology and basin analysis 26 (2), 155-166, 2019
Along-strike structural variations in the Southern Patagonian Andes: Insights from physical modeling
J Likerman, JF Burlando, EO Cristallini, MC Ghiglione
Tectonophysics 590, 106-120, 2013
Estructura y estratos de crecimiento en la faja plegada y corrida de los Andes fueguinos
MC Ghiglione, VA Ramos, EO Cristallini
Revista geológica de Chile 29 (1), 17-41, 2002
The opening of the Magellan Strait and its geodynamic implications
MC Ghiglione, AT Navarrete‐Rodríguez, M González‐Guillot, G Bujalesky
Terra Nova 25 (1), 13-20, 2013
The relation between Neogene denudation of the Southernmost Andes and sedimentation in the offshore Argentine and Malvinas Basins during the opening of the Drake Passage
MC Ghiglione, C Sue, ME Ramos, JE Tobal, RE Gallardo
Geodynamic Evolution of the Southernmost Andes: Connections with the Scotia …, 2016
Características estructurales del sector sur de la faja plegada y corrida de Malargüe (35-36 S): distribución del acortamiento e influencia de estructuras previas
L Giambiagi, M Ghiglione, E Cristallini, G Bottesi
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 65 (1), 140-153, 2009
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