What leaders need to know: A review of social and contextual factors that can foster or hinder creativity CE Shalley, LL Gilson The leadership quarterly 15 (1), 33-53, 2004 | 3079 | 2004 |
Virtual teams: What do we know and where do we go from here? LL Martins, LL Gilson, MT Maynard Journal of management 30 (6), 805-835, 2004 | 2234 | 2004 |
Reforming the health sector in developing countries: the central role of policy analysis G Walt, L Gilson Health policy and planning 9 (4), 353-370, 1994 | 1987 | 1994 |
Trust and the development of health care as a social institution L Gilson Social science & medicine 56 (7), 1453-1468, 2003 | 1578 | 2003 |
Matching creativity requirements and the work environment: Effects on satisfaction and intentions to leave CE Shalley, LL Gilson, TC Blum Academy of management journal 43 (2), 215-223, 2000 | 1518 | 2000 |
Virtual teams research: 10 years, 10 themes, and 10 opportunities LL Gilson, MT Maynard, NC Jones Young, M Vartiainen, M Hakonen Journal of management 41 (5), 1313-1337, 2015 | 1493 | 2015 |
A little creativity goes a long way: An examination of teams’ engagement in creative processes LL Gilson, CE Shalley Journal of management 30 (4), 453-470, 2004 | 1201 | 2004 |
‘Doing’health policy analysis: methodological and conceptual reflections and challenges G Walt, J Shiffman, H Schneider, SF Murray, R Brugha, L Gilson Health policy and planning 23 (5), 308-317, 2008 | 1158 | 2008 |
Interactive effects of growth need strength, work context, and job complexity on self-reported creative performance CE Shalley, LL Gilson, TC Blum Academy of Management journal 52 (3), 489-505, 2009 | 1081 | 2009 |
What is resilience and how can it be nurtured? A systematic review of empirical literature on organizational resilience E Barasa, R Mbau, L Gilson International journal of health policy and management 7 (6), 491, 2018 | 882 | 2018 |
Empowerment and team effectiveness: An empirical test of an integrated model. JE Mathieu, LL Gilson, TM Ruddy Journal of applied psychology 91 (1), 97, 2006 | 836 | 2006 |
Empowerment—fad or fab? A multilevel review of the past two decades of research MT Maynard, LL Gilson, JE Mathieu Journal of management 38 (4), 1231-1281, 2012 | 777 | 2012 |
Creativity and standardization: complementary or conflicting drivers of team effectiveness? LL Gilson, JE Mathieu, CE Shalley, TM Ruddy Academy of Management journal 48 (3), 521-531, 2005 | 734 | 2005 |
Health policy and systems research: a methodology reader. L Gilson | 616 | 2012 |
Editors’ comment: so, what is a conceptual paper? LL Gilson, CB Goldberg Group & Organization Management 40 (2), 127-130, 2015 | 588 | 2015 |
Inequalities in health care use and expenditures: empirical data from eight developing countries and countries in transition M Makinen, H Waters, M Rauch, N Almagambetova, R Bitrán, L Gilson, ... Bulletin of the world health organization 78 (1), 55-65, 2000 | 551 | 2000 |
The terrain of health policy analysis in low and middle income countries: a review of published literature 1994–2007 L Gilson, N Raphaely Health policy and planning 23 (5), 294-307, 2008 | 544 | 2008 |
‘We are bitter but we are satisfied’: nurses as street-level bureaucrats in South Africa L Walker, L Gilson Social science & medicine 59 (6), 1251-1261, 2004 | 541 | 2004 |
The lessons of user fee experience in Africa L Gilson Health policy and planning 12 (3), 273-285, 1997 | 525 | 1997 |
Building the field of health policy and systems research: framing the questions K Sheikh, L Gilson, IA Agyepong, K Hanson, F Ssengooba, S Bennett PLoS medicine 8 (8), e1001073, 2011 | 500 | 2011 |