Fabrice Requier
Fabrice Requier
Université Paris Saclay, CNRS, IRD. UMR EGCE, Gif-sur-Yvette
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na universite-paris-saclay.fr - Domača stran
A common pesticide decreases foraging success and survival in honey bees
M Henry, M Beguin, F Requier, O Rollin, JF Odoux, P Aupinel, J Aptel, ...
Science 336 (6079), 348-350, 2012
Honey bee diet in intensive farmland habitats reveals an unexpectedly high flower richness and a major role of weeds
F Requier, JF Odoux, T Tamic, N Moreau, M Henry, A Decourtye, ...
Ecological Applications 25 (4), 881-890, 2015
The conservation of native honey bees is crucial
F Requier, L Garnery, PL Kohl, HK Njovu, CWW Pirk, RM Crewe, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 34 (9), 789-798, 2019
Distance from forest edge affects bee pollinators in oilseed rape fields
S Bailey, F Requier, B Nusillard, SPM Roberts, SG Potts, C Bouget
Ecology and evolution 4 (4), 370-380, 2014
The carry‐over effects of pollen shortage decrease the survival of honeybee colonies in farmlands
F Requier, JF Odoux, M Henry, V Bretagnolle
Journal of applied ecology 54 (4), 1161-1170, 2017
Beyond flowers: including non-floral resources in bee conservation schemes
F Requier, SD Leonhardt
Journal of Insect Conservation 24, 5-16, 2020
ECOBEE: a tool for long-term honey bee colony monitoring at the landscape scale in West European intensive agroecosystems
JF Odoux, P Aupinel, S Gateff, F Requier, M Henry, V Bretagnolle
Journal of Apicultural Research 53 (1), 57-66, 2014
Towards an integrated species and habitat management of crop pollination
LA Garibaldi, F Requier, O Rollin, GKS Andersson
Current opinion in insect science 21, 105-114, 2017
Trends in beekeeping and honey bee colony losses in Latin America
F Requier, K Antúnez, CL Morales, P Aldea Sánchez, D Castilhos, ...
Journal of Apicultural Research 57 (5), 657-662, 2018
Critical links between biodiversity and health in wild bee conservation
MA Parreño, C Alaux, JL Brunet, L Buydens, M Filipiak, M Henry, A Keller, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution, 2022
Predation of the invasive Asian hornet affects foraging activity and survival probability of honey bees in Western Europe
F Requier, Q Rome, G Chiron, D Decante, S Marion, M Menard, F Muller, ...
Journal of pest science 92, 567-578, 2019
Complementarity and synergisms among ecosystem services supporting crop yield
LA Garibaldi, GKS Andersson, F Requier, TPM Fijen, J Hipólito, D Kleijn, ...
Global food security 17, 38-47, 2018
Exposure to pollen-bound pesticide mixtures induces longer-lived but less efficient honey bees
A Prado, M Pioz, C Vidau, F Requier, M Jury, D Crauser, JL Brunet, ...
Science of the Total Environment 650, 1250-1260, 2019
Bee and non-bee pollinator importance for local food security
F Requier, N Pérez-Méndez, G Andersson, E Blareau, I Merle, L Garibaldi
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38 (2), 196-205, 2023
Pesticide risk assessment in free-ranging bees is weather and landscape dependent
M Henry, C Bertrand, V Le Féon, F Requier, JF Odoux, P Aupinel, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4359, 2014
The economic cost of losing native pollinator species for orchard production
N Pérez‐Méndez, GKS Andersson, F Requier, J Hipólito, MA Aizen, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (3), 599-608, 2020
Assessing the resilience of biodiversity-driven functions in agroecosystems under environmental change
EA Martin, B Feit, F Requier, H Friberg, M Jonsson
Advances in Ecological Research 60, 59-123, 2019
Impactos de la abeja melífera sobre plantas y abejas silvestres en hábitats naturales
JI Agüero, O Rollin, JP Torretta, MA Aizen, F Requier, LA Garibaldi
Ecosistemas 27 (2), 60-69, 2018
Citizen science in developing countries: how to improve volunteer participation
F Requier, GKS Andersson, FJ Oddi, LA Garibaldi
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18 (2), 101-108, 2020
Predictive systems models can help elucidate bee declines driven by multiple combined stressors
M Henry, M Becher, J Osborne, P Kennedy, P Aupinel, V Bretagnolle, ...
Apidologie 48, 328-339, 2017
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