Linking international agricultural research knowledge with action for sustainable development P Kristjanson, RS Reid, N Dickson, WC Clark, D Romney, R Puskur, ... Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 106 (13), 5047-5052, 2009 | 281 | 2009 |
Handbook for integrated soil fertility management A Bationo, T Fairhurst, K Giller, V Kelly, R Lunduka, A Mando, P Mapfumo, ... Africa Soil Health Consortium, Nairobi, 2012 | 230* | 2012 |
Intake of forages DL Romney, M Gill Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition, CAB International, 43-62, 2000 | 110 | 2000 |
Informal traders lock horns with the formal milk industry: The role of research in pro-poor dairy policy shift in Kenya C Leksmono, J Young, N Hooton, H Muriuki, DL Romney ILRI, 2006 | 93 | 2006 |
Maize as food and feed in intensive smallholder systems: management options for improved integration in mixed farming systems of east and southern Africa DL Romney, P Thorne, B Lukuyu, PK Thornton Field crops research 84 (1), 159-168, 2003 | 93 | 2003 |
Improving rock phosphate availability through feeding, mixing and processing with composting manure NE Odongo, K Hyoung-Ho, HC Choi, P Van Straaten, BW McBride, ... Bioresource technology 98 (15), 2911-2918, 2007 | 68 | 2007 |
Technical efficiency of traditional African vegetable production: A case study of smallholders in Tanzania S Rajendran, V Afari-Sefa, DK Karanja, R Musebe, D Romney, ... Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 7 (3), 92-99, 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
The relationship between the control of meal size and the control of daily intake in ruminants M Gill, D Romney Livestock Production Science 39 (1), 13-18, 1994 | 44 | 1994 |
Adoption of fodder legumes technology through farmer-to-farmer extension approach J Sinja, J Karugia, M Waithaka, D Miano, L Baltenweck, S Franzel, ... Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9 (1), 222-226, 2004 | 40 | 2004 |
Effects of tethering management on feed intake and behaviour of Tanzanian goats DL Romney, DSC Sendalo, E Owen, LA Mtenga, PD Penning, RW Mayes, ... Small Ruminant Research 19 (2), 113-120, 1996 | 40 | 1996 |
Farmer-led Seed Enterprise Initiatives to Access Certified Seed for Traditional African Vegetables and its Effect on Incomes in Tanzania S Rajendran, V Afari-Sefa①b, DK Karanja, R Musebe, D Romney, ... International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 19 (1), 1, 2016 | 37* | 2016 |
Farmer perception of technology and its impact on technology uptake: The case of fodder legume in Central Kenya highlands J Sinja, JT Karugia, I Baltenweck, MM Waithaka, MD Miano, RA Nyikal, ... 2004 Inaugural Symposium, December 6-8, 2004, Nairobi, Kenya, 2004 | 36 | 2004 |
Artificial or natural insemination: the demand for breeding services by smallholders. I Baltenweck, R Ouma, F Anunda, AM Okeyo, DL Romney ILRI, 2004 | 33 | 2004 |
Plantwise: putting innovation systems principles into practice. D Romney, R Day, M Faheem, C Finegold, J LaMontagne-Godwin, ... Agriculture for Development, 27-31, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
Recycling nutrients from organic wastes in Kenya’s capital city M Njenga, D Romney, N Karanja, K Gathuru, S Kimani, S Carsan, W Frost African urban harvest, 193-212, 2010 | 29 | 2010 |
Development of farmer field school (FFS) methodology for smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya B Minjauw, HG Muriuki, D Romney International Learning Workshop on Farmer Field Schools (FFS): Emerging …, 2002 | 29 | 2002 |
Dairy production in Uganda: Production efficiency and soil management strategies under different farming systems I Baltenweck, S Mubiru, W Nanyeenya, L Njoroge, N Halberg, D Romney, ... International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, 2007 | 28* | 2007 |
Some animal-related factors influencing the cycling of nitrogen in mixed farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa DL Romney, PJ Thorne, D Thomas Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 49 (2), 163-172, 1994 | 28 | 1994 |
Feeding dairy cattle: A manual for smallholder dairy farmers and extension workers in East Africa M Lukuyu, DL Romney, R Ouma, KR Sones ILRI, 2007 | 22 | 2007 |
Categorisation of dairy production systems: a strategy for targeting meaningful development of the systems in Uganda SL Mubiru, JS Tenywa, N Halberg, D Romney, W Nanyeenya, ... Livestock Research for Rural Development 19 (7), 2007 | 21 | 2007 |