Khai Quang Le
Khai Quang Le
FormFactor Inc
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A subwavelength plasmonic metamolecule exhibiting magnetic-based optical Fano resonance
F Shafiei, F Monticone, KQ Le, XX Liu, T Hartsfield, A Alù, X Li
Nature nanotechnology 8 (2), 95-99, 2013
Broadband absorbers and selective emitters based on plasmonic Brewster metasurfaces
C Argyropoulos, KQ Le, N Mattiucci, G D’Aguanno, A Alu
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (20), 205112, 2013
Dual-interface gratings for broadband absorption enhancement in thin-film solar cells
A Abass, KQ Le, A Alu, M Burgelman, B Maes
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (11), 115449, 2012
Comparing plasmonic and dielectric gratings for absorption enhancement in thin-film organic solar cells
KQ Le, A Abass, B Maes, P Bienstman, A Alù
Optics express 20 (S1), A39-A50, 2012
Nanostructured metal–insulator–metal metamaterials for refractive index biosensing applications: design, fabrication, and characterization
KQ Le, QM Ngo, TK Nguyen
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 23 (2), 388-393, 2016
Broadband metamaterial for nonresonant matching of acoustic waves
G D’Aguanno, KQ Le, R Trimm, A Alù, N Mattiucci, AD Mathias, ...
Scientific reports 2 (1), 340, 2012
High efficiency green/yellow and red InGaN/AlGaN nanowire light-emitting diodes grown by molecular beam epitaxy
MR Philip, DD Choudhary, M Djavid, KQ Le, J Piao, HPT Nguyen
Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 2 (2), 150-155, 2017
Circularly polarized photoluminescence from achiral dye molecules induced by plasmonic two-dimensional chiral nanostructures
KQ Le, S Hashiyada, M Kondo, H Okamoto
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (43), 24924-24932, 2018
Mirror-backed dark alumina: a nearly perfect absorber for thermoelectronics and thermophotovotaics
M Farhat, TC Cheng, KQ Le, MMC Cheng, H Bağcı, PY Chen
Scientific reports 6 (1), 19984, 2016
Multiple Fano interferences in a plasmonic metamolecule consisting of asymmetric metallic nanodimers
KQ Le, A Alu, J Bai
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (2), 2015
Synergistic plasmonic and photonic crystal light-trapping: Architectures for optical up-conversion in thin-film solar cells
KQ Le, S John
Optics Express 22 (S1), A1-A12, 2014
Enhanced absorption efficiency of ultrathin metamaterial solar absorbers by plasmonic Fano resonance
KQ Le, J Bai
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 32 (4), 595-600, 2015
The complex Jacobi iterative method for three-dimensional wide-angle beam propagation
KQ Le, R Godoy-Rubio, P Bienstman, G Ronald Hadley
Optics Express 16 (21), 17021-17030, 2008
Optical bistability based on Fano resonances in single-and double-layer nonlinear slab waveguide gratings
QM Ngo, KQ Le, DL Vu, VH Pham
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 31 (5), 1054-1061, 2014
Broadband Brewster transmission through 2D metallic gratings
KQ Le, C Argyropoulos, N Mattiucci, G D'Aguanno, MJ Bloemer, A Alù
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (9), 2012
Efficient broadband truncated-pyramid-based metamaterial absorber in the visible and near-infrared regions
PT Dang, TV Vu, J Kim, J Park, VC Nguyen, DD Vo, TK Nguyen, KQ Le, ...
Crystals 10 (9), 784, 2020
Optical bistability based on guided-mode resonances<? A3B2 show [pmg: line-break justify=" yes"/]?> in photonic crystal slabs
QM Ngo, KQ Le, VD Lam
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 29 (6), 1291-1295, 2012
Broadband light trapping in thin organic photovoltaic cells using plasmonic resonant antennas
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (8), 2013
Asymmetrically engineered metallic nanodisk clusters for plasmonic Fano resonance generation
TK Nguyen, TD Le, PT Dang, KQ Le
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34 (3), 668-672, 2017
Fabrication and numerical characterization of infrared metamaterial absorbers for refractometric biosensors
KQ Le, J Bai, QM Ngo, PY Chen
Journal of Electronic Materials 46, 668-676, 2017
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