Paul Bliese, Ph.D.
Paul Bliese, Ph.D.
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na moore.sc.edu - Domača stran
Within-group agreement, non-independence, and reliability: Implications for data aggregation and analysis.
PD Bliese
Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 2000
Efficacy beliefs as a moderator of the impact of work-related stressors: a multilevel study.
SM Jex, PD Bliese
Journal of applied psychology 84 (3), 349, 1999
The role of different levels of leadership in predicting self-and collective efficacy: evidence for discontinuity.
G Chen, PD Bliese
Journal of applied psychology 87 (3), 549, 2002
Growth modeling using random coefficient models: Model building, testing, and illustrations
PD Bliese, RE Ployhart
Organizational Research Methods 5 (4), 362-387, 2002
Validating the primary care posttraumatic stress disorder screen and the posttraumatic stress disorder checklist with soldiers returning from combat.
PD Bliese, KM Wright, AB Adler, O Cabrera, CA Castro, CW Hoge
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 76 (2), 272, 2008
The power of momentum: A new model of dynamic relationships between job satisfaction change and turnover intentions
G Chen, RE Ployhart, HC Thomas, N Anderson, PD Bliese
Academy of Management Journal 54 (1), 159-181, 2011
Group size, ICC values, and group-level correlations: A simulation
PD Bliese
Organizational research methods 1 (4), 355-373, 1998
Individual adaptability (I-ADAPT) theory: Conceptualizing the antecedents, consequences, and measurement of individual differences in adaptability
RE Ployhart, PD Bliese
Understanding adaptability: A prerequisite for effective performance within …, 2006
The impact of self-efficacy on stressor–strain relations: Coping style as an explanatory mechanism.
SM Jex, PD Bliese, S Buzzell, J Primeau
Journal of applied psychology 86 (3), 401, 2001
Battlemind debriefing and battlemind training as early interventions with soldiers returning from iraq: Randomization by platoon.
AB Adler, PD Bliese, D McGurk, CW Hoge, CA Castro
Educational Publishing Foundation 1 (S), 66, 2011
Stress and well-being at work: A century of empirical trends reflecting theoretical and societal influences.
PD Bliese, JR Edwards, S Sonnentag
Journal of Applied psychology 102 (3), 389, 2017
Multilevel analytical techniques: Commonalities, differences, and continuing questions.
KJ Klein, PD Bliese, SWJ Kozolowski, F Dansereau, MB Gavin, MA Griffin, ...
Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 2000
The big five personality traits and individual job performance growth trajectories in maintenance and transitional job stages.
CJ Thoresen, JC Bradley, PD Bliese, JD Thoresen
Journal of applied psychology 89 (5), 835, 2004
A framework for conducting multi-level construct validation
G Chen, JE Mathieu, PD Bliese
Multi-level issues in organizational behavior and processes, 273-303, 2005
Being both too liberal and too conservative: The perils of treating grouped data as though they were independent
PD Bliese, PJ Hanges
Organizational Research Methods 7 (4), 400-417, 2004
Conceptual framework and statistical procedures for delineating and testing multilevel theories of homology
G Chen, PD Bliese, JE Mathieu
Organizational Research Methods 8 (4), 375-409, 2005
Multilevel Modeling in R (2.2)–A Brief Introduction to R, the multilevel package and the nlme package
P Bliese
October, 2006
Military leadership: A context specific review
L Wong, P Bliese, D McGurk
The Leadership Quarterly 14 (6), 657-692, 2003
Role clarity, work overload and organizational support: Multilevel evidence of the importance of support
PD Bliese, CA Castro
Work & Stress 14 (1), 65-73, 2000
Childhood adversity and combat as predictors of depression and post-traumatic stress in deployed troops
OA Cabrera, CW Hoge, PD Bliese, CA Castro, SC Messer
American journal of preventive medicine 33 (2), 77-82, 2007
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