Geir Huse
Geir Huse
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na imr.no
A standard protocol for describing individual-based and agent-based models
V Grimm, U Berger, F Bastiansen, S Eliassen, V Ginot, J Giske, ...
Ecological modelling 198 (1-2), 115-126, 2006
Ecosystem processes are rarely included in tactical fisheries management
M Skern‐Mauritzen, G Ottersen, NO Handegard, G Huse, GE Dingsør, ...
Fish and Fisheries 17 (1), 165-175, 2016
Linking behavioural ecology and oceanography: larval behaviour determines growth, mortality and dispersal
Ø Fiksen, C Jørgensen, T Kristiansen, F Vikebø, G Huse
Marine Ecology Progress Series 347, 195-205, 2007
Thermal niche of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua: limits, tolerance and optima
DA Righton, KH Andersen, F Neat, V Thorsteinsson, P Steingrund, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 420, 1-13, 2010
End-to-end models for the analysis of marine ecosystems: challenges, issues, and next steps
KA Rose, JI Allen, Y Artioli, M Barange, J Blackford, F Carlotti, R Cropp, ...
Marine and Coastal Fisheries 2 (1), 115-130, 2010
Major pathways by which climate may force marine fish populations
G Ottersen, S Kim, G Huse, JJ Polovina, NC Stenseth
Journal of Marine Systems 79 (3-4), 343-360, 2010
Modelling spatial dynamics of fish
J Giske, G Huse, O Fiksen
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries 8, 57-91, 1998
Stock collapses and their recovery: mechanisms that establish and maintain life-cycle closure in space and time
P Petitgas, DH Secor, I McQuinn, G Huse, N Lo
ICES journal of Marine Science 67 (9), 1841-1848, 2010
A length-based hypothesis for feeding migrations in pelagic fish
L Nøttestad, J Giske, JC Holst, G Huse
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56 (S1), 26-34, 1999
Modelling changes in migration pattern of herring: collective behaviour and numerical domination
G Huse, S Railsback, A Feronö
Journal of fish biology 60 (3), 571-582, 2002
Comparative ecology of widely distributed pelagic fish species in the North Atlantic: implications for modelling climate and fisheries impacts
VM Trenkel, G Huse, BR MacKenzie, P Alvarez, H Arrizabalaga, ...
Progress in Oceanography 129, 219-243, 2014
Artificial evolution of life history and behavior
E Strand, G Huse, J Giske
The American Naturalist 159 (6), 624-644, 2002
Ecology in Mare Pentium: an individual-based spatio-temporal model for fish with adapted behaviour
G Huse, J Giske
Fisheries Research 37 (1-3), 163-178, 1998
Implementing behaviour in individual-based models using neural networks and genetic algorithms
G Huse, E Strand, J Giske
Evolutionary Ecology 13, 469-483, 1999
Horizontal distribution and overlap of planktivorous fish stocks in the Norwegian Sea during summers 1995–2006
KR Utne, G Huse, G Ottersen, JC Holst, V Zabavnikov, JA Jacobsen, ...
Marine Biology Research 8 (5-6), 420-441, 2012
Capelin migrations and climate change–a modelling analysis
G Huse, I Ellingsen
Climatic Change 87 (1), 177-197, 2008
Modelling buoyancy regulation in fishes with swimbladders: bioenergetics and behaviour
E Strand, C Jørgensen, G Huse
Ecological Modelling 185 (2-4), 309-327, 2005
Establishment of new wintering areas in herring co-occurs with peaks in the ‘first time/repeat spawner’ratio
G Huse, A Fernö, JC Holst
Marine Ecology Progress Series 409, 189-198, 2010
Towards an acoustic‐based coupled observation and modelling system for monitoring and predicting ecosystem dynamics of the open ocean
NO Handegard, L Buisson, P Brehmer, SJ Chalmers, A De Robertis, ...
Fish and Fisheries 14 (4), 605-615, 2013
Effects of interactions between fish populations on ecosystem dynamics in the Norwegian Sea–results of the INFERNO project
G Huse, JC Holst, K Utne, L Nøttestad, W Melle, A Slotte, G Ottersen, ...
Marine Biology Research 8 (5-6), 415-419, 2012
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