Pascal Chatonnay
Pascal Chatonnay
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na univ-fcomte.fr - Domača stran
A Friis-based calibrated model for WiFi terminals positioning
F Lassabe, P Canalda, P Chatonnay, F Spies, O Baala
Sixth IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and …, 2005
Indoor Wi-Fi positioning: techniques and systems
F Lassabe, P Canalda, P Chatonnay, F Spies
annals of telecommunications-annales des télécommunications 64 (9), 651, 2009
Refining WiFi indoor positioning renders pertinent deploying location-based multimedia guide
D Charlet, F Spies, P Chatonnay, P Canalda, F Lassabe
20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2006
Predictivemobility models based on kth markov models
Lassabe, Canalda, Chatonnay, Spies
2006 ACS/IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, 303-306, 2006
Comparison of three algorithms for solving the convergent demand responsive transportation problem
R Chevrier, P Canalda, P Chatonnay, D Josselin
2006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 1096-1101, 2006
New notation and classification scheme for vehicle routing problems
WR Cherif-Khettaf, MH Rachid, C Bloch, P Chatonnay
RAIRO-Operations Research-Recherche Opérationnelle 49 (1), 161-194, 2015
A self-adaptive multiagent evolutionary algorithm for electrical machine design
JL Hippolyte, C Bloch, P Chatonnay, C Espanet, D Chamagne
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2007
Différents opérateurs évolutionnaires de permutation: sélections, croisements et mutations
M Haj-Rachid, C Bloch, W Ramdane-Cherif, P Chatonnay
Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Unversité de Franche-Comte EA 4269, 2010
Quantitative imaging for clinical dosimetry
M Bardiès, G Flux, M Lassmann, M Monsieurs, S Savolainen, SE Strand
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2006
Friis and iterative trilateration based wifi devices tracking
F Lassabe, D Charlet, P Canalda, P Chatonnay, F Spies
14th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and …, 2006
Comparing the performance of genetic operators for the vehicle routing problem
M Haj-Rachid, W Ramdane-Cherif, P Chatonnay, C Bloch
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (17), 313-319, 2010
Hand-over video cache policy for mobile users
D Charlet, P Chatonnay, F Spies
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 4th IFIP WG6. 1 …, 2003
Parallel Numerical Computing Using Corba
JL Anthoine, JM Nicod, P Chatonnay, D Laiymani
Permanent magnet motor multiobjective optimization using multiple runs of an evolutionary algorithm
JL Hippolyte, C Espanet, D Chamagne, C Bloch, P Chatonnay
2008 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 1-5, 2008
Classification de problèmes de tournées de véhicules
MH Rachid, W Ramdane-Cherif, C Bloch, P Chatonnay
7eme Conférence Internationale de MOdélisation et SIMulation-MOSIM 8, 2008
A study of performance on crossover and mutation operators for vehicle routing problem
MH Rachid, WR Cherif, P Chatonnay, C Bloch
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems …, 2010
Tuning an Evolutionary Algorithm with Taguchi Methods and Application to the dimensioning of an Electrical Motor
JL Hippolyte, C Bloch, P Chatonnay, C Espanet, D Chamagne, G Wimmer
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Soft computing as …, 2008
A meta-model of group for urban mobility modeling
N Marilleau, C Lang, P Chatonnay, L Philippe
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Active Media Technology …, 2005
Gestion de l'allocation des ressources aux objets dans les systèmes répartis, une approche multicritère intégrant les communications
P Chatonnay
Besançon, 1998
Un algorithme génétique pour le transport à la demande en convergence
R Chevrier, E Castex, D Josselin, P Canalda, P Chatonnay
Revue Internationale de Géomatique 18 (2), 239-265, 2008
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