Deniz Eroglu
Synchronisation of chaos and its applications
D Eroglu, JSW Lamb, T Pereira
Contemporary Physics 58 (3), 207-243, 2017
See–saw relationship of the Holocene East Asian–Australian summer monsoon
D Eroglu, FH McRobie, I Ozken, T Stemler, KH Wyrwoll, SFM Breitenbach, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12929, 2016
Finding recurrence networks' threshold adaptively for a specific time series
D Eroglu, N Marwan, S Prasad, J Kurths
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 21 (6), 1085-1092, 2014
Multiplex recurrence networks
D Eroglu, N Marwan, M Stebich, J Kurths
Physical Review E 97 (1), 012312, 2018
Climatic and in-cave influences on δ18O and δ13C in a stalagmite from northeastern India through the last deglaciation
FA Lechleitner, SFM Breitenbach, H Cheng, B Plessen, K Rehfeld, ...
Quaternary Research 88 (3), 458-471, 2017
Entropy of weighted recurrence plots
D Eroglu, TKDM Peron, N Marwan, FA Rodrigues, LF Costa, M Sebek, ...
Physical Review E 90 (4), 042919, 2014
Connectivity-driven coherence in complex networks
T Pereira, D Eroglu, GB Bagci, U Tirnakli, HJ Jensen
Physical review letters 110 (23), 234103, 2013
Recurrence plot analysis of irregularly sampled data
I Ozken, D Eroglu, SFM Breitenbach, N Marwan, L Tan, U Tirnakli, ...
Physical Review E 98 (5), 052215, 2018
Transformation-cost time-series method for analyzing irregularly sampled data
I Ozken, D Eroglu, T Stemler, N Marwan, GB Bagci, J Kurths
Physical Review E 91 (6), 062911, 2015
Network structural origin of instabilities in large complex systems
C Duan, T Nishikawa, D Eroglu, AE Motter
Science advances 8 (28), eabm8310, 2022
Multifaceted dynamics of Janus oscillator networks
ZG Nicolaou, D Eroglu, AE Motter
Physical Review X 9 (1), 011017, 2019
Revealing dynamics, communities, and criticality from data
D Eroglu, M Tanzi, S van Strien, T Pereira
Physical Review X 10 (2), 021047, 2020
Emergent hypernetworks in weakly coupled oscillators
E Nijholt, JL Ocampo-Espindola, D Eroglu, IZ Kiss, T Pereira
Nature communications 13 (1), 4849, 2022
Nonlinear time series analysis of palaeoclimate proxy records
N Marwan, JF Donges, RV Donner, D Eroglu
Quaternary Science Reviews 274, 107245, 2021
Recurrence analysis of extreme event like data
A Banerjee, B Goswami, Y Hirata, D Eroglu, B Merz, J Kurths, N Marwan
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics Discussions 2020, 1-25, 2020
Tweaking synchronization by connectivity modifications
P Schultz, T Peron, D Eroglu, T Stemler, GM Ramírez Ávila, FA Rodrigues, ...
Physical Review E 93 (6), 062211, 2016
Holocene climate forcings and lacustrine regime shifts in the Indian Summer Monsoon realm
S Prasad, N Marwan, D Eroglu, B Goswami, PK Mishra, B Gaye, A Anoop, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2020
Collective dynamics of random Janus oscillator networks
T Peron, D Eroglu, FA Rodrigues, Y Moreno
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013255, 2020
Reconstructing network dynamics of coupled discrete chaotic units from data
I Topal, D Eroglu
Physical Review Letters 130 (11), 117401, 2023
Sampling rate-corrected analysis of irregularly sampled time series
T Braun, CN Fernandez, D Eroglu, A Hartland, SFM Breitenbach, ...
Physical Review E 105 (2), 024206, 2022
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