Steven L. Nelson, J.D., Ph.D.
Steven L. Nelson, J.D., Ph.D.
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“Tryin’to survive”: Black male students’ understandings of the role of race and racism in the school-to-prison pipeline
JE Grace, SL Nelson
Leadership and Policy in Schools 18 (4), 664-680, 2019
From slave codes to educational racism: Urban education policy in the United States as the dispossession, containment, dehumanization, and disenfranchisement of Black peoples
SL Nelson, RO Williams
JL Soc'y 19, 82, 2019
Dual enrollment programs: Litigation and equity
SL Nelson, SJ Waltz
Educational Policy 33 (2), 386-417, 2019
Different Script, Same Caste in the Use of Passive and Active Racism: A Critical Race Theory Analysis of the (Ab) use of" House Rules" in Race-Related Education Cases
SL Nelson
Wash. & Lee J. Civil Rts. & Soc. Just. 22, 297-411, 2016
The right to remain silent in New Orleans: The role of non-politically accountable charter school boards in the school-to-prison pipeline
SL Nelson, JE Grace
Nova L. Rev. 40, 447, 2015
Racial subjugation by another name: Using the links in the school-to-prison pipeline to reassess state takeover district performance
SL Nelson
Geo. JL & Mod. Critical Race Persp. 9, 1, 2017
Charter schools, students of color and the state action doctrine: Are the rights of students of color sufficiently protected
PC Green III, E Frankenberg, SL Nelson, J Rowland
Wash. & Lee J. Civil Rts. & Soc. Just. 18, 253, 2011
Still serving two masters: Evaluating the conflict between school choice and desegregation under the lens of critical race theory
SL Nelson
BU Pub. Int. LJ 26, 43, 2017
Could the state takeover of public schools create a state-created danger: Theorizing at the intersection of state takeover districts, the school-to-prison pipeline, and racial …
SL Nelson
Nat'l Black LJ 27, 1, 2018
Are Black parents locked out of challenging disproportionately low charter school board representation? Assessing the role of the federal courts in building a house of cards
SL Nelson, HN Bennett
Duke J. Const. L. & Pub. Pol'y 12, 153, 2016
Cyber charter schools and students with dis/abilities: Rebooting the IDEA to address equity, access, and compliance
KM Collins, PC Green III, SL Nelson, S Madahar
Equity & Excellence in Education 48 (1), 71-86, 2015
Continued disparate discipline: Theorizing state takeover districts’ impact on the continued oppression of Black girls
SL Nelson, ML Ridgeway, TL Baker, CD Green, T Campbell
Urban Education 57 (7), 1230-1258, 2022
Special education, overrepresentation, and end-running education federalism: Theorizing towards a federally protected right to education for black students
SL Nelson
Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 20, 205, 2018
Does the African American need separate charter schools
JV Heilig, S Nelson, M Kronzer
Law & Ineq. 36, 247, 2018
Special education reform policies and the permanence of oppression: A critical race case study of special education reform in Shelby County, Tennessee
SL Nelson
Howard LJ 60, 459, 2016
Killing Two Achievements with One Stone: The Impact of Shelby County on the Rights to Vote and Access to High Performing Schools
SL Nelson
Hastings Race & Poverty LJ 13, 225, 2016
Towards a transnational critical race theory in education: Proposing critical race third world approaches to education policy
SL Nelson
Wm. & Mary J. Race Gender & Soc. Just. 26, 303, 2019
Fighting Demographic Destiny: A Legal Analysis of Attempts of the Strategies White Enclaves Might Use to Maintain School Segregation
E Frankenberg, PC Green III, S Nelson
Geo. Mason UCRLJ 24, 39, 2013
Examining Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission v. School District of Philadelphia: Considering How the Supreme Court’s Waning Support of School Desegregation Affected …
SL Nelson, AC Tyler
Seattle University Law Review 40 (3), 1049, 2017
Gaining “choice” and losing voice: Is the New Orleans charter school takeover a case of the emperor’s new clothes?
SL Nelson
Only in New Orleans: School Choice and Equity Post-Hurricane Katrina, 237-265, 2015
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