Abdullah Kahraman
Abdullah Kahraman
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na newcastle.ac.uk - Domača stran
Towards advancing scientific knowledge of climate change impacts on short-duration rainfall extremes
HJ Fowler, H Ali, RP Allan, N Ban, R Barbero, P Berg, S Blenkinsop, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379 (2195), 20190542, 2021
Flood fatalities in Europe, 1980-2018: Variability, features and lessons to learn
O Petrucci, L Aceto, C Bianchi, V Bigot, R Brázdil, S Pereira, A Kahraman, ...
Water 11 (8), 1682, 2019
Quasi‐stationary intense rainstorms spread across Europe under climate change
A Kahraman, EJ Kendon, S Chan, HJ Fowler
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (13), e2020GL092361, 2021
Severe hail climatology of Turkey
A Kahraman, Ş Tilev-Tanriover, M Kadioglu, DM Schultz, PM Markowski
Monthly Weather Review 144 (1), 337-346, 2016
Tornado climatology of Turkey
A Kahraman, PM Markowski
Monthly Weather Review 142 (6), 2345-2352, 2014
Mapping Flood-Related Mortality in the Mediterranean Basin. Results from the MEFF v2. 0 DB
F Vinet, V Bigot, O Petrucci, K Papagiannaki, MC Llasat, V Kotroni, ...
Water 11 (10), 2196, 2019
Developing a large-scale dataset of flood fatalities for territories in the Euro-Mediterranean region, FFEM-DB
K Papagiannaki, O Petrucci, M Diakakis, V Kotroni, L Aceto, C Bianchi, ...
Scientific Data 9 (1), 166, 2022
Lightning fatalities and injuries in Turkey
Ş Tilev-Tanriover, A Kahraman, M Kadioğlu, DM Schultz
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15 (8), 1881-1888, 2015
Severe Convective Storm Environments in Turkey
A Kahraman, M Kadioglu, PM Markowski
Monthly Weather Review 145 (12), 4711-4725, 2017
Large-scale dynamics moderate impact-relevant changes to organised convective storms
SC Chan, EJ Kendon, HJ Fowler, A Kahraman, J Crook, N Ban, AF Prein
Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1), 8, 2023
Contrasting future lightning stories across Europe
A Kahraman, EJ Kendon, HJ Fowler, J Wilkinson
Environmental Research Letters, 2022
Evaluation of WRF parameterizations for global horizontal irradiation forecasts: A study for Turkey
S Incecik, S Sakarya, S Tilev, A Kahraman, B Aksoy, E Caliskan, S Topcu, ...
Atmósfera 32 (2), 143-158, 2019
Simulating heavy precipitation with HARMONIE, HIRLAM and WRF-ARW: A flash flood case study in Istanbul, Turkey
H Toros, A Kahraman, S Tilev-Tanriover, G Geertsema, G Cats
Eur. J. Sci. Technol 13, 1-12, 2018
Saharan dust transport by Mediterranean cyclones causing mud rain in Istanbul
Ş Tilev‐Tanriover, A Kahraman
Weather 70 (5), 145-150, 2015
Future Changes in Euro-Mediterranean Daytime Severe Thunderstorm Environments Based on an RCP8.5 Med-CORDEX Simulation
A Kahraman, D Ural, B Önol
Atmosphere 11 (8), 822, 2020
Impact of Turkish ground‐based GPS‐PW data assimilation on regional forecast: 8–9 March 2011 heavy snow case
S Tilev‐Tanriover, A Kahraman
Atmospheric Science Letters 15 (3), 159-165, 2014
Synoptic climatology of supercell-type tornado and very large hail days in Turkey
A Kahraman
Weather 76 (4), 129-134, 2021
Lightning-related fatalities and injuries in Turkey
ST Tanriover, A Kahraman
Preprints, 7th European Conf. Severe Storms, 2013
PM10 air quality variations in urbanized areas and industrialized creek valley in Istanbul
A Öztürk, H Toros, A Deniz, S İncecik, İ Sezen, A Kahraman, HM Çelebi
European Geosciences Union (EGU), 12, 2011
EUFF (EUropean Flood Fatalities): a European flood fatalities database since 1980
O Petrucci, L Aceto, C Bianchi, V Bigot, R Brázdil, M Inbar, A Kahraman, ...
Earth system science data discussions 2020, 1-30, 2020
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