Paul Moses, PhD, SMIEEE
Paul Moses, PhD, SMIEEE
Associate Professor, University of Oklahoma & Adjunct Professor, George Washington University
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Real-time coordination of plug-in electric vehicle charging in smart grids to minimize power losses and improve voltage profile
S Deilami, AS Masoum, PS Moses, MAS Masoum
IEEE Transactions on smart grid 2 (3), 456-467, 2011
Smart load management of plug-in electric vehicles in distribution and residential networks with charging stations for peak shaving and loss minimisation considering voltage …
AS Masoum, S Deilami, PS Moses, MAS Masoum, A Abu-Siada
IET generation, transmission & distribution 5 (8), 877-888, 2011
Distribution transformer stress in smart grid with coordinated charging of plug-in electric vehicles
MAS Masoum, PS Moses, S Hajforoosh
2012 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 1-8, 2012
Power quality of smart grids with plug-in electric vehicles considering battery charging profile
PS Moses, S Deilami, AS Masoum, MAS Masoum
2010 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2010
Impacts of battery charging rates of plug-in electric vehicle on smart grid distribution systems
AS Masoum, S Deilami, PS Moses, A Abu-Siada
2010 IEEE PES innovative smart grid technologies conference Europe (ISGT …, 2010
Voltage profile and THD distortion of residential network with high penetration of plug-in electrical vehicles
S Deilami, AS Masoum, PS Moses, MAS Masoum
2010 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2010
Impacts of hysteresis and magnetic couplings on the stability domain of ferroresonance in asymmetric three-phase three-leg transformers
PS Moses, MAS Masoum, HA Toliyat
IEEE Transactions on energy conversion 26 (2), 581-592, 2010
Derating of asymmetric three-phase transformers serving unbalanced nonlinear loads
MAS Masoum, PS Moses, AS Masoum
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 23 (4), 2033-2041, 2008
Load management in smart grids considering harmonic distortion and transformer derating
MAS Masoum, PS Moses, S Deilami
2010 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 1-7, 2010
Dynamic modeling of three-phase asymmetric power transformers with magnetic hysteresis: No-load and inrush conditions
PS Moses, MAS Masoum, HA Toliyat
IEEE Transactions on energy conversion 25 (4), 1040-1047, 2010
Resilience assessment and enhancement evaluation of power distribution systems subjected to ice storms
G Hou, KK Muraleetharan, V Panchalogaranjan, P Moses, A Javid, ...
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 230, 108964, 2023
Distribution transformer losses and performance in smart grids with residential plug-in electric vehicles
MAS Masoum, PS Moses, KM Smedley
ISGT 2011, 1-7, 2011
Smart grid congestion caused by plug-in electric vehicle charging
R Jarvis, P Moses
2019 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), 1-5, 2019
Impact of balanced and unbalanced direct current bias on harmonic distortion generated by asymmetric three-phase three-leg transformers
MAS Masoum, PS Moses
IET Electric Power Applications 4 (7), 507-515, 2010
Impact of rooftop PV generation on distribution transformer and voltage profile of residential and commercial networks
AS Masoum, PS Moses, MAS Masoum, A Abu-Siada
2012 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 1-7, 2012
Three-phase asymmetric transformer aging considering voltage-current harmonic interactions, unbalanced nonlinear loading, magnetic couplings, and hysteresis
PS Moses, MAS Masoum
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 27 (2), 318-327, 2012
Harmonic losses and stresses of nonlinear three-phase distribution transformers serving plug-in electric vehicle charging stations
PS Moses, MAS Masoum, KM Smedley
ISGT 2011, 1-6, 2011
Smoothing control of solar photovoltaic generation using building thermal loads
Z Jiang, J Cai, PS Moses
Applied Energy 277, 115523, 2020
Influence of geomagnetically induced currents on three-phase power transformers
MAS Masoum, PS Moses
2008 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, 1-5, 2008
Development of a solar photovoltaic module emulator
Y Erkaya, P Moses, I Flory, S Marsillac
2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 1-3, 2015
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