Inbal Ben-Ami Bartal
Inbal Ben-Ami Bartal
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na tauex.tau.ac.il - Domača stran
Empathy and pro-social behavior in rats
IBA Bartal, J Decety, P Mason
Science 334 (6061), 1427-1430, 2011
Empathy as a driver of prosocial behaviour: highly conserved neurobehavioural mechanisms across species
J Decety, IBA Bartal, F Uzefovsky, A Knafo-Noam
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
Pro-social behavior in rats is modulated by social experience
I Ben-Ami Bartal, DA Rodgers, MS Bernardez Sarria, J Decety, P Mason
Elife 3, e01385, 2014
Perioperative use of β-blockers and COX-2 inhibitors may improve immune competence and reduce the risk of tumor metastasis
M Benish, I Bartal, Y Goldfarb, B Levi, R Avraham, A Raz, S Ben-Eliyahu
Annals of surgical oncology 15, 2042-2052, 2008
The roots of empathy: Through the lens of rodent models
KZ Meyza, IBA Bartal, MH Monfils, JB Panksepp, E Knapska
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 76, 216-234, 2017
“Feeling” the pain of those who are different from us: modulation of EEG in the mu/alpha range
A Perry, S Bentin, IBA Bartal, C Lamm, J Decety
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 10, 493-504, 2010
Anxiolytic treatment impairs helping behavior in rats
I Ben-Ami Bartal, H Shan, NMR Molasky, TM Murray, JZ Williams, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 850, 2016
Immune perturbations in patients along the perioperative period: alterations in cell surface markers and leukocyte subtypes before and after surgery
I Bartal, R Melamed, K Greenfeld, S Atzil, A Glasner, V Domankevich, ...
Brain, behavior, and immunity 24 (3), 376-386, 2010
14 The Roots of Compassion: An Evolutionary and Neurobiological Perspective
CS Carter, IBA Bartal, EC Porges
The Oxford handbook of compassion science, 173, 2017
Neural correlates of ingroup bias for prosociality in rats
I Ben-Ami Bartal, JM Breton, H Sheng, KLP Long, S Chen, A Halliday, ...
elife 10, e65582, 2021
Synergism between immunostimulation and prevention of surgery-induced immune suppression: an approach to reduce post-operative tumor progression
R Avraham, M Benish, S Inbar, I Bartal, E Rosenne, S Ben-Eliyahu
Brain, behavior, and immunity 24 (6), 952-958, 2010
How the social brain experiences empathy: Summary of a gathering
P Mason, IBA Bartal
Social Neuroscience 5 (2), 252-256, 2010
Neural activation associated with outgroup helping in adolescent rats
JM Breton, JS Eisner, VS Gandhi, N Musick, A Zhang, KLP Long, ...
Iscience 25 (6), 2022
Helping behavior in rats
IBA Bartal, P Mason
Neuronal correlates of empathy, 151-160, 2018
Negative energy balance hinders prosocial helping behavior
M Pozo, M Milà-Guasch, R Haddad-Tóvolli, MB Boudjadja, I Chivite, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (15), e2218142120, 2023
The Roots of Compassion
CS Carter, IBA Bartal, EC Porges
The Oxford Handbook of Compassion Science, 2017
Anxiolytic treatment impairs helping behavior in rats. Front. Psychol. 7, 850
I Ben-Ami Bartal, H Shan, NMR Molasky, TM Murray, JZ Williams, ...
The complex affective and cognitive capacities of rats
I Ben-Ami Bartal
Science 385 (6715), 1298-1305, 2024
Helping behavior is associated with increased affiliative behavior, activation of the prosocial brain network and elevated oxytocin receptor expression in the nucleus accumbens
R Hazani, JM Breton, E Trachtenberg, B Kantor, A Maman, E Bigelman, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.05. 06.592793, 2024
A rodent model of social rejection
H Shan, I Ben-Ami Bartal, P Mason
BioRxiv, 066993, 2016
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