Chun Wah Michael Tam
Chun Wah Michael Tam
Staff Specialist in General Practice and Conjoint Senior Lecturer, UNSW Sydney
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Australian general practitioner perceptions of the detection and screening of at-risk drinking, and the role of the AUDIT-C: a qualitative study
CWM Tam, N Zwar, R Markham
BMC family practice 14, 1-8, 2013
The role of older patients’ goals in GP decision-making about medicines: a qualitative study
KR Weir, V Naganathan, SM Carter, CWM Tam, K McCaffery, C Bonner, ...
BMC Family Practice 22, 1-12, 2021
The informatics capability maturity of integrated primary care centres in Australia
ST Liaw, R Kearns, J Taggart, O Frank, R Lane, M Tam, S Dennis, ...
International Journal of Medical Informatics 105, 89-97, 2017
Available, intuitive and free! Building e-learning modules using web 2.0 services
CWM Tam, A Eastwood
Medical Teacher 34 (12), 1078-1080, 2012
Alcohol enquiry by GPs-Understanding patients' perspectives: a qualitative study
CWM Tam, L Leong, N Zwar, C Hespe
Australian family physician 44 (11), 833-838, 2015
Ethical considerations in recruiting primary care patients to research studies
C Barton, CWM Tam, P Abbott, ST Liaw
Australian Family Physician 45 (3), 144-148, 2016
Ethical research or research ethics?
ST Liaw, CWM Tam
Australian Family Physician 44 (7), 522-523, 2015
‘Every medicine is part poison’: a qualitative inquiry into the perceptions and experiences of choosing contraceptive methods of migrant Chinese women living in Australia
H Dolan, M Li, D Bateson, R Thompson, CWM Tam, C Bonner, L Trevena
BMC women's health 21, 1-13, 2021
Alcohol screening and brief interventions in primary care-evidence and a pragmatic practice-based approach
CWM Tam, A Knight, ST Liaw
Australian family physician 45 (10), 767-770, 2016
Online training in evidence-based medicine and research methods for GP registrars: a mixed-methods evaluation of engagement and impact
H Rahimi-Ardabili, C Spooner, MF Harris, P Magin, CWM Tam, ST Liaw, ...
BMC medical education 21, 1-14, 2021
Healthcare providers’ perceptions of the challenges and opportunities to engage Chinese migrant women in contraceptive counselling: a qualitative interview study
H Dolan, M Li, D Bateson, R Thompson, CWM Tam, C Bonner, L Trevena
Sexual health 17 (5), 405-413, 2020
How doctors conceptualise'P'values: A mixed methods study
CWM Tam, AH Khan, A Knight, J Rhee, K Price, K McLean
Australian Journal of General Practice 47 (10), 705-710, 2018
Consultation contexts and the acceptability of alcohol enquiry from general practitioners-a survey experiment
MCW Tam, LHL Leong, N Zwar, C Hespe
Australian family physician 44 (7), 490-496, 2015
Patient and clinician perspectives of factors that influence the delivery of alcohol brief interventions in Australian primary care: a qualitative descriptive study
E Sturgiss, T Lam, G Russell, L Ball, N Gunatillaka, C Barton, CWM Tam, ...
Family practice 39 (2), 275-281, 2022
The role of quality improvement collaboratives in general practice: a qualitative systematic review
AW Knight, CWM Tam, S Dennis, J Fraser, D Pond
BMJ Open Quality 11 (2), e001800, 2022
A multistate trial of an early surveillance program for autism within general practices in Australia
J Barbaro, A Masi, M Gilbert, R Nair, I Abdullahi, J Descallar, ...
Frontiers in Pediatrics 9, 640359, 2021
Let's listen to patients' and GPs' perspectives on alcohol-screening research
CWM Tam, LHL Leong, N Zwar
Australian family physician 44 (6), 427-428, 2015
General practitioner follow-up in older patients after an emergency department admission
B Watson, CWM Tam, B Pellizzon, L Ban, H Doan
Australian Family Physician 46 (7), 521-526, 2017
Research ethics and approval process: a guide for new GP researchers
ST Liaw, CWM Tam
Australian Family Physician 44 (6), 419-422, 2015
Can research that is not intended or unlikely to be published be considered ethical?
C Barton, CWM Tam, P Abbot, S Hall, ST Liaw
Australian Family Physician 46 (6), 442-4, 2017
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