Natural disturbance regimes in northeastern North America—evaluating silvicultural systems using natural scales and frequencies RS Seymour, AS White, PG deMaynadier Forest Ecology and Management 155 (1), 357-367, 2002 | 566 | 2002 |
Principles of ecological forestry RS Seymour, ML Hunter Jr Maintaining biodiversity in forest ecosystems. CambridgeUniversity Press …, 1999 | 489* | 1999 |
New forestry in eastern spruce-fir forests: principles and applications to Maine RS Seymour, ML Hunter College of Forest Resources, University of Maine, 1992 | 285 | 1992 |
The red spruce-balsam fir forest of Maine: evolution of silvicultural practice in response to stand development patterns and disturbances RS Seymour The ecology and silviculture of mixed-species forests: A festschrift for …, 1992 | 194 | 1992 |
Natural disturbance in an old‐growth landscape of northern Maine, USA S Fraver, AS White, RS Seymour Journal of ecology 97 (2), 289-298, 2009 | 161 | 2009 |
The northeastern region RS Seymour Regional silviculture of the United States 3, 31-79, 1995 | 144 | 1995 |
Regional stem taper equations for eleven conifer species in the Acadian region of North America: development and assessment R Li, A Weiskittel, AR Dick, JA Kershaw Jr, RS Seymour Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 29 (1), 5-14, 2012 | 132 | 2012 |
Influence of age on growth efficiency of Tsuga canadensis and Picea rubens trees in mixed-species, multiaged northern conifer stands RS Seymour, LS Kenefic Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32 (11), 2032-2042, 2002 | 103 | 2002 |
Crown architecture of Abies balsamea from four canopy positions DW Gilmore, RS Seymour Tree physiology 17 (2), 71-80, 1997 | 93 | 1997 |
Linking annual tree growth with eddy-flux measures of net ecosystem productivity across twenty years of observation in a mixed conifer forest A Teets, S Fraver, DY Hollinger, AR Weiskittel, RS Seymour, ... Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 249, 479-487, 2018 | 86 | 2018 |
Silviculture and our changing profession: leadership for shifting paradigms KL O'Hara, RS Seymour, SD Tesch, JM Guldin Journal of Forestry 92 (1), 8-13, 1994 | 84 | 1994 |
Leaf area prediction models for Tsuga canadensis in Maine LS Kenefic, RS Seymour Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29 (10), 1574-1582, 1999 | 76 | 1999 |
Density management diagram for northeastern red spruce and balsam fir forests DS Wilson, RS Seymour, DA Maguire Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 16 (1), 48-56, 1999 | 75 | 1999 |
Balance and sustainability in multiaged stands: a northern conifer case study RS Seymour, LS Kenefic Journal of Forestry 96 (7), 12-17, 1998 | 75 | 1998 |
An evaluation of the uniform stress hypothesis based on stem geometry in selected North American conifers TJ Dean, S Roberts, D Gilmore, DA Maguire, JN Long, KL O'hara, ... Trees 16, 559-568, 2002 | 73 | 2002 |
Alternative measures of stem growth efficiency applied to Abies balsamea from four canopy positions in central Maine, USA DW Gilmore, RS Seymour Forest ecology and management 84 (1-3), 209-218, 1996 | 71 | 1996 |
Canopy stratification, age structure, and development of multicohort stands of eastern white pine, eastern hemlock, and red spruce MA Fajvan, RS Seymour Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23 (9), 1799-1809, 1993 | 71 | 1993 |
Long-term effects of precommercial thinning on stem form, volume, and branch characteristics of red spruce and balsam fir crop trees A Weiskittel, LS Kenefic, RS Seymour, LM Phillips Silva Fennica. 43 (3): 397-409. 43 (3), 397-409, 2009 | 70 | 2009 |
Foliage–sapwood area relationships for Abiesbalsamea in central Maine, U.S.A. DW Gilmore, RS Seymour, DA Maguire Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26 (12), 2071-2079, 1996 | 70 | 1996 |
Damage to northern hardwoods from thinning using whole-tree harvesting technology WD Ostrofsky, RS Seymour, RC Lemin Jr Canadian Journal of Forest Research 16 (6), 1238-1244, 1986 | 70 | 1986 |