Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Sarah GrahamVeč o tem
Ni na voljo nikjer: 1
Quantification of scan analysis errors in GE lunar DXA visceral adiposity in adults
D Wing, JG Godino, A Vo, R Moran, S Graham, JF Nichols
Journal of Clinical Densitometry 24 (2), 287-293, 2021
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Na voljo nekje: 13
Artificial intelligence for mental health and mental illnesses: an overview
S Graham, C Depp, EE Lee, C Nebeker, X Tu, HC Kim, DV Jeste
Current psychiatry reports 21, 1-18, 2019
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Artificial intelligence for mental health care: clinical applications, barriers, facilitators, and artificial wisdom
EE Lee, J Torous, M De Choudhury, CA Depp, SA Graham, HC Kim, ...
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 6 (9), 856-864, 2021
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, US …
Artificial intelligence approaches to predicting and detecting cognitive decline in older adults: A conceptual review
SA Graham, EE Lee, DV Jeste, R Van Patten, EW Twamley, C Nebeker, ...
Psychiatry research 284, 112732, 2020
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Beyond artificial intelligence: exploring artificial wisdom
DV Jeste, SA Graham, TT Nguyen, CA Depp, EE Lee, HC Kim
International Psychogeriatrics 32 (8), 993-1001, 2020
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Health Impacts of the Stay-at-Home Order on Community-Dwelling Older Adults and How Technologies May Help: Focus Group Study
JR Daly, C Depp, SA Graham, DV Jeste, HC Kim, EE Lee, C Nebeker
JMIR aging 4 (1), e25779, 2021
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Study of independent living residents of a continuing care senior housing community: Sociodemographic and clinical associations of cognitive, physical, and mental health
DV Jeste, D Glorioso, EE Lee, R Daly, S Graham, J Liu, AM Paredes, ...
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 27 (9), 895-907, 2019
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Prediction of loneliness in older adults using natural language processing: exploring sex differences in speech
VD Badal, SA Graham, CA Depp, K Shinkawa, Y Yamada, LA Palinkas, ...
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 29 (8), 853-866, 2021
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health, US Department of Veterans Affairs
Associations Between Heart Rate Variability Measured With a Wrist-Worn Sensor and Older Adults’ Physical Function: Observational Study
SA Graham, DV Jeste, EE Lee, TC Wu, X Tu, HC Kim, CA Depp
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (10), e13757, 2019
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Walking and balance outcomes for stroke survivors: a randomized clinical trial comparing body-weight-supported treadmill training with versus without challenging mobility skills
SA Graham, EJ Roth, DA Brown
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 15, 1-9, 2018
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health, US Administration for Community Living
The utility of the Timed Up-and-Go test in predicting cognitive performance: a cross-sectional study of independent living adults in a retirement community
R Van Patten, EE Lee, SA Graham, CA Depp, HC Kim, DV Jeste, ...
Journal of Applied Gerontology 39 (10), 1163-1168, 2020
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health, US Department of Education
Links between objective sleep and sleep variability measures and inflammatory markers in adults with bipolar disorder
E Lee, M Ramsey, A Malhotra, S Ancoli-Israel, CN Kaufmann, ...
Journal of Psychiatric Research 134, 8-14, 2021
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
Minimizing postural demands of walking while still emphasizing locomotor force generation for nonimpaired individuals
SA Graham, CP Hurt, DA Brown
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 26 (5 …, 2018
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health, American Heart Association
Is Successful Dying or Good Death an Oxymoron?
DV Jeste, S Graham
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry: official journal of the …, 2019
Zahteve: US National Institutes of Health
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