F. Blake Morton
Personality structure in brown capuchin monkeys (Sapajus apella): comparisons with chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), orangutans (Pongo spp.), and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).
FB Morton, PC Lee, HM Buchanan-Smith, SF Brosnan, B Thierry, ...
Journal of Comparative Psychology 127 (3), 282, 2013
Taking personality selection bias seriously in animal cognition research: a case study in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus apella)
FB Morton, PC Lee, HM Buchanan-Smith
Animal cognition 16, 677-684, 2013
Expert range maps of global mammal distributions harmonised to three taxonomic authorities
CJ Marsh, YV Sica, CJ Burgin, WA Dorman, RC Anderson, ...
Journal of Biogeography 49 (5), 979-992, 2022
Facial width-to-height ratio relates to alpha status and assertive personality in capuchin monkeys
CE Lefevre, VAD Wilson, FB Morton, SF Brosnan, A Paukner, TC Bates
PloS one 9 (4), e93369, 2014
Using the relational event model (REM) to investigate the temporal dynamics of animal social networks
M Tranmer, CS Marcum, FB Morton, DP Croft, SR de Kort
Animal behaviour 101, 99-105, 2015
Capuchin monkeys with similar personalities have higher-quality relationships independent of age, sex, kinship and rank
FB Morton, A Weiss, HM Buchanan-Smith, PC Lee
Animal Behaviour 105, 163-171, 2015
Happiness is positive welfare in brown capuchins (Sapajus apella)
LM Robinson, NK Waran, MC Leach, FB Morton, A Paukner, E Lonsdorf, ...
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 181, 145-151, 2016
Data reduction analyses of animal behaviour: avoiding Kaiser's criterion and adopting more robust automated methods
FB Morton, D Altschul
Animal behaviour 149, 89-95, 2019
Personality and facial morphology: Links to assertiveness and neuroticism in capuchins (Sapajus [Cebus] apella)
V Wilson, CE Lefevre, FB Morton, SF Brosnan, A Paukner, TC Bates
Personality and individual differences 58, 89-94, 2014
EA Williamson, FG Maisels, CP Groves, B Fruth, TH Humle, FB Morton, ...
Handbook of the Mammals of the World 3, 792-843, 2013
Divergent personality structures of brown (Sapajus apella) and white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus).
LM Robinson, FB Morton, MC Gartner, J Widness, A Paukner, JL Essler, ...
Journal of Comparative Psychology 130 (4), 305, 2016
Urban foxes are bolder but not more innovative than their rural conspecifics
FB Morton, EM Gartner, Marieke, Norrie, Y Haddou, CD Soulsbury, ...
Animal Behaviour 203, 101-113, 2023
Family Hominidae (great apes)
EA Williamson, FG Maisel, CP Groves, BI Fruth, T Humle, FB Morton, ...
Lynx Edicions in association with Conservation International and IUCN, 2013
Observational monitoring of clinical signs during the last stage of habituation in a wild western gorilla group at Bai Hokou, Central African Republic
FB Morton, AF Todd, P Lee, S Masi
Folia Primatologica 84 (2), 118-133, 2013
Using photographs to study animal social cognition and behaviour: Do capuchins’ responses to photos reflect reality?
FB Morton, SF Brosnan, L Prétôt, HM Buchanan-Smith, E O’Sullivan, ...
Behavioural Processes 124, 38-46, 2016
Personality structure in brown capuchin monkeys: comparisons with chimpanzees, orangutans, and rhesus macaques
FB Morton, PC Lee, HM Buchanan-Smith, SF Brosnan, B Thierry, ...
Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, DC: 1983) 127 (3), 282, 2013
Do wild raccoons (Procyon lotor) use tools?
FB Morton
Animal Cognition 24 (3), 433-441, 2021
Personality structure in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).
FB Morton, LM Robinson, S Brando, A Weiss
Journal of comparative psychology 135 (2), 219, 2021
Handbook of the Mammals of the World Volume 3: Primates
EA Williamson, FG Maisels, CP Groves, BI Fruth, T Humle, FB Morton
Lynx Edicions, 2013
Studying animal innovation at the individual level: A ratings-based assessment in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus [Cebus] sp.).
FB Morton, HM Buchanan-Smith, SF Brosnan, B Thierry, A Paukner, ...
Journal of Comparative Psychology 135 (2), 258, 2021
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