Yakup Erhan Böke
Yakup Erhan Böke
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na itu.edu.tr
Simulation of biomass gasification in a BFBG using chemical equilibrium model and restricted chemical equilibrium method
MC Acar, YE Böke
Biomass and Bioenergy, 131-138, 2019
Problems for determining the thermal conductivity of TBCs by laser-flash method
O Altun, YE Boke, A Kalemtas
Journal of Achievements in materials and manufacturing engineering 30 (2 …, 2008
Comparison of Thermal Efficiency of the Closed-Cycle Gas Turbine with and without Regeneration
E Böke
The Second Scientific Technical Seminar on Gas Turbine Engine, 1996
Effect of the microstructure of EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings on the thermal conductivity and the methods to reduce the thermal conductivity
Ö Altun, Y Böke
Archives of Materials Science 48, 48, 2009
Experimental results of underground coal gasification of Turkish lignite in an ex-situ reactor
M Gur, N Eskin, H Okutan, A Arısoy, E Böke, Ü Altıntaş, AYO Büyükşirin, ...
Fuel 203, 997-1006, 2017
Thermal analysis of e-textile structures using full-factorial experimental design method
H Sezgin, SK Bahadir, YE Boke, F Kalaoglu
Journal of Industrial Textiles 45 (5), 752-764, 2016
Effect of the radiation surface on temperature and NOx emission in a gas fired furnace
YE Boke, O Aydin
Fuel 88 (10), 1878-1884, 2009
Computational investigation of oxy-combustion of pulverized coal and biomass in a swirl burner
YEB Ali Cemal Benim, Cansu Deniz Canal
Energy 238 (121852), 2022
Simulation of biomass gasification process using aspen plus
MC Acar, E Böke
Simulation 25, 27, 2018
Thermal comfort analysis of novel low exergy radiant heating cooling system and energy saving potential comparing to conventional systems
A Koca, Z Gemici, K Bedir, E Böke, BB Kanbur, Y Topaçoğlu
Progress in exergy, energy, and the environment, 435-445, 2014
CFD Analiz Yöntemiyle Klima Santrallerinde İç Kayıpların Azaltılması
S Bulut, M Ünveren, A Arısoy, YE Böke
X. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi, İzmir, 2011
Numerical modeling of thermal conductivity of air-plasma-sprayed zirconia with different porosity levels
O Altun, YE Boke, S Alanyali
Journal of Thermal Science and Technology 31 (1), 77-84, 2011
Benchmark study of 2D and 3D VOF simulations of a simplex nozzle using a hybrid RANS-LES approach
M Bal, G Kayansalçik, Ö Ertunç, YE Böke
Fuel 319, 123695, 2022
An experimental study on carbon monoxide emission reduction at a fire tube water heater
O Aydin, YE Boke
Applied thermal engineering 30 (17-18), 2658-2662, 2010
A validation study for RANS based modelling of swirling pulverized fuel flames
AC Benim, C Deniz Canal, YE Boke
Energies 14 (21), 7323, 2021
Doğal Gaz Yanmasında Ocak Yükünün Karbonmonoksit Emisyonu Üzerine Etkisi
YE Böke, Ö Aydın
Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi …, 2010
The comparison of experimental and predicted flame temperature of natural gas combustion
YE Boke, O Aydin, HD Yildizay
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 33 …, 2011
Effect of coal volatile matter on emissions of boiler combustion
E Böke, H Okutan, N Erdöl Aydın
Twenty-Seventh Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Istanbul …, 2010
The Effect of Pore Shape to the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Thermal Barrier Coatings
O Altun, YE Bo¨ ke
Heat Transfer Summer Conference 48470, 449-457, 2008
Economic analyses of PV certification and inspection processes for smart grid integrated PV power plants and benefits of domestic institutions
Y Bicer, C Ozarpa, YE Boke
2015 3rd International Istanbul Smart Grid Congress and Fair (ICSG), 1-5, 2015
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