Yael Roichman
Yael Roichman
School of Chemistry, School of Physics & Astronomy, Tel Aviv University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na tauex.tau.ac.il - Domača stran
Manipulation and assembly of nanowires with holographic optical traps
R Agarwal, K Ladavac, Y Roichman, G Yu, C Lieber, D Grier
Optics Express 13 (22), 8906-8912, 2005
Optical forces arising from phase gradients
Y Roichman, B Sun, Y Roichman, J Amato-Grill, DG Grier
Physical review letters 100 (1), 013602, 2008
Holographic optical trapping
DG Grier, Y Roichman
Applied optics 45 (5), 880-887, 2006
Optimized holographic optical traps
M Polin, K Ladavac, SH Lee, Y Roichman, D Grier
Optics Express 13 (15), 5831-5845, 2005
Experimental realization of diffusion with stochastic resetting
O Tal-Friedman, A Pal, A Sekhon, S Reuveni, Y Roichman
The journal of physical chemistry letters 11 (17), 7350-7355, 2020
Tomographic phase microscopy with 180° rotation of live cells in suspension by holographic optical tweezers
M Habaza, B Gilboa, Y Roichman, NT Shaked
Optics letters 40 (8), 1881-1884, 2015
Single-Particle Diffusion Characterization by Deep Learning
N Granik, LE Weiss, E Nehme, M Levin, M Chein, E Perlson, Y Roichman, ...
Biophysical journal 117 (2), 185-192, 2019
Holographic assembly of quasicrystalline photonic heterostructures
Y Roichman, D Grier
Optics Express 13 (14), 5434-5439, 2005
Roadmap for optical tweezers
G Volpe, OM Maragò, H Rubinsztein-Dunlop, G Pesce, AB Stilgoe, ...
Journal of Physics: Photonics 5 (2), 022501, 2023
Optical traps with geometric aberrations
Y Roichman, A Waldron, E Gardel, DG Grier
Applied optics 45 (15), 3425-3429, 2006
Particle manipulation beyond the diffraction limit using structured super-oscillating light beams
BK Singh, H Nagar, Y Roichman, A Arie
Light: Science & Applications 6 (9), e17050, 2017
Manipulation of objects in potential energy landscapes
DG Grier, M Polin, SH Lee, Y Roichman, K Ladavac
US Patent 7,473,890, 2009
Colloidal transport through optical tweezer arrays
Y Roichman, V Wong, DG Grier
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (1 …, 2007
Hydrodynamic Pair Attractions between Driven Colloidal Particles
Y Sokolov, D Frydel, DG Grier, H Diamant, Y Roichman
Physical Review Letters 107 (15), 158302, 2011
Real-time imaging of the azole class of antifungal drugs in live Candida cells
RI Benhamou, M Bibi, KB Steinbuch, H Engel, M Levin, Y Roichman, ...
ACS Chemical Biology 12 (7), 1769-1777, 2017
Polyaniline synthesis: influence of powder morphology on conductivity of solution cast blends with polystyrene
Y Roichman, GI Titelman, MS Silverstein, A Siegmann, M Narkis
Synthetic metals 98 (3), 201-209, 1999
Myosin II does it all: assembly, remodeling, and disassembly of actin networks are governed by myosin II activity
Y Ideses, A Sonn-Segev, Y Roichman, A Bernheim-Groswasser
Soft Matter 9 (29), 7127-7137, 2013
Disorder-induced Fickian, yet non-Gaussian diffusion in heterogeneous media
I Chakraborty, Y Roichman
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 022020, 2020
Experimental Realization of an Information Machine with Tunable Temporal Correlations
T Admon, S Rahav, Y Roichman
Physical Review Letters 121 (18), 180601, 2018
Anomalous collective dynamics in optically driven colloidal rings
Y Roichman, DG Grier, G Zaslavsky
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (2 …, 2007
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