Fabien Dal Maso
Fabien Dal Maso
Associate professor, University of Montreal
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na umontreal.ca
Standardization proposal of soft tissue artefact description for data sharing in human motion measurements
A Cereatti, T Bonci, M Akbarshahi, K Aminian, A Barré, M Begon, ...
Journal of Biomechanics 62, 5-13, 2017
Acute cardiovascular exercise promotes functional changes in cortico-motor networks during the early stages of motor memory consolidation
F Dal Maso, B Desormeau, MH Boudrias, M Roig
Neuroimage 174, 380-392, 2018
A new statistical test based on the wavelet cross-spectrum to detect time–frequency dependence between non-stationary signals: Application to the analysis of cortico-muscular …
J Bigot, M Longcamp, F Dal Maso, D Amarantini
Neuroimage 55 (4), 1504-1518, 2011
Postactivation potentiation during voluntary contractions after continued knee extensor task-specific practice
LB Seitz, GS Trajano, F Dal Maso, GG Haff, AJ Blazevich
Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 40 (3), 230-237, 2015
Training-related decrease in antagonist muscles activation is associated with increased motor cortex activation: evidence of central mechanisms for control of antagonist muscles
F Dal Maso, M Longcamp, D Amarantini
Experimental brain research 220, 287-295, 2012
Effect of training status on beta-range corticomuscular coherence in agonist vs. antagonist muscles during isometric knee contractions
F Dal Maso, M Longcamp, S Cremoux, D Amarantini
Experimental brain research 235, 3023-3031, 2017
Impaired corticomuscular coherence during isometric elbow flexion contractions in humans with cervical spinal cord injury
S Cremoux, J Tallet, F Dal Maso, E Berton, D Amarantini
European Journal of Neuroscience 46 (4), 1991-2000, 2017
Coupling between 3D displacements and rotations at the glenohumeral joint during dynamic tasks in healthy participants
F Dal Maso, M Raison, A Lundberg, A Arndt, M Begon
Clinical biomechanics 29 (9), 1048-1055, 2014
Superficial shoulder muscle co-activations during lifting tasks: Influence of lifting height, weight and phase
Y Blache, F Dal Maso, L Desmoulins, A Plamondon, M Begon
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 25 (2), 355-362, 2015
Optimal combinations of isometric normalization tests for the production of maximum voluntary activation of the shoulder muscles
F Dal Maso, P Marion, M Begon
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2016
Effect of low dose robotic-gait training on walking capacity in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy
Y Cherni, L Ballaz, J Lemaire, F Dal Maso, M Begon
Neurophysiologie Clinique 50 (6), 507-519, 2020
Muscle function in glenohumeral joint stability during lifting task
Y Blache, M Begon, B Michaud, L Desmoulins, P Allard, F Dal Maso
PLoS One 12 (12), e0189406, 2017
Effects of foot orthoses on the temporal pattern of muscular activity during walking
P Dedieu, C Drigeard, L Gjini, F Dal Maso, PG Zanone
Clinical biomechanics 28 (7), 820-824, 2013
Evolution of muscular fatigue in periscapular and rotator cuff muscles during isokinetic shoulder rotations
S Gaudet, J Tremblay, F Dal Maso
Journal of sports sciences 36 (18), 2121-2128, 2018
Muscle fatigue during a short walking exercise in children with cerebral palsy who walk in a crouch gait
A Parent, A Pouliot-Laforte, F Dal Maso, Y Cherni, P Marois, L Ballaz
Gait & posture 72, 22-27, 2019
Glenohumeral translations during range-of-motion movements, activities of daily living, and sports activities in healthy participants
F Dal Maso, M Raison, A Lundberg, A Arndt, P Allard, M Begon
Clinical Biomechanics, 2015
Can optimal marker weightings improve thoracohumeral kinematics accuracy?
M Begon, F Dal Maso, A Arndt, T Monnet
Journal of biomechanics 48 (10), 2019-2025, 2015
An EMG-marker tracking optimisation method for estimating muscle forces
C Bélaise, F Dal Maso, B Michaud, K Mombaur, M Begon
Multibody System Dynamics 42 (2), 119-143, 2018
Exhausting repetitive piano tasks lead to local forearm manifestation of muscle fatigue and negatively affect musical parameters
E Goubault, F Verdugo, J Pelletier, C Traube, M Begon, F Dal Maso
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 8117, 2021
Intra-and intersession reliability of surface electromyography on muscles actuating the forearm during maximum voluntary contractions
G Gaudet, M Raison, F Dal Maso, S Achiche, M Begon
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 32 (6), 558-570, 2016
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