Volker Prasuhn
Volker Prasuhn
Agroscope Reckenholz
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na agroscope.admin.ch
On-farm effects of tillage and crops on soil erosion measured over 10 years in Switzerland
V Prasuhn
Soil and Tillage Research 120, 137-146, 2012
Effects of artificial land drainage on hydrology, nutrient and pesticide fluxes from agricultural fields–A review
A Gramlich, S Stoll, C Stamm, T Walter, V Prasuhn
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 266, 84-99, 2018
A high-resolution soil erosion risk map of Switzerland as strategic policy support system
V Prasuhn, H Liniger, S Gisler, K Herweg, A Candinas, JP Clément
Land use policy 32, 281-291, 2013
Erfassung der PO4-Austräge für die Ökobilanzierung SALCA Phosphor
V Prasuhn
Agroscope Reckanholz-Tänikon ART 20, 2006
Environmental cross-compliance mitigates nitrogen and phosphorus pollution from Swiss agriculture
F Herzog, V Prasuhn, E Spiess, W Richner
Environmental Science & Policy 11 (7), 655-668, 2008
Phosphorus losses in runoff from manured grassland of different soil P status at two rainfall intensities
C Hahn, V Prasuhn, C Stamm, R Schulin
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 153, 65-74, 2012
Soil erosion in the Swiss midlands: Results of a 10-year field survey
V Prasuhn
Geomorphology 126 (1-2), 32-41, 2011
Measurement of runoff and soil erosion on regularly cultivated fields in Switzerland—some critical considerations
M Rüttimann, D Schaub, V Prasuhn, W Rüegg
Catena 25 (1-4), 127-139, 1995
Surface water floods in Switzerland: what insurance claim records tell us about the damage in space and time
DB Bernet, V Prasuhn, R Weingartner
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 17 (9), 1659-1682, 2017
Phosphorus export dynamics from two Swiss grassland catchments
P Lazzarotto, V Prasuhn, E Butscher, C Crespi, H Flühler, C Stamm
Journal of Hydrology 304 (1-4), 139-150, 2005
Comparing different multiple flow algorithms to calculate RUSLE factors of slope length (L) and slope steepness (S) in Switzerland
P Bircher, HP Liniger, V Prasuhn
Geomorphology 346, 106850, 2019
Applying erosion damage mapping to assess and quantify off‐site effects of soil erosion in Switzerland
T Ledermann, K Herweg, HP Liniger, F Schneider, H Hurni, V Prasuhn
Land Degradation & Development 21 (4), 353-366, 2010
A high-resolution map of direct and indirect connectivity of erosion risk areas to surface waters in Switzerland—A risk assessment tool for planning and policy-making
S Alder, V Prasuhn, H Liniger, K Herweg, H Hurni, A Candinas, HU Gujer
Land use policy 48, 236-249, 2015
Evaluation der Ökomassnahmen-Phosphorbelastung der oberflächengewässer durch bodenerosion
V Prasuhn, K Grünig
Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Agrarökologie und Landbau, 2001
Nature and extent of soil erosion in Europe.
RJA Jones, Y Bissonnais, J Sanchez Diaz, O Düwel, L Øygarden, ...
Changes in diffuse phosphorus and nitrogen inputs into surface waters in the Rhine watershed in Switzerland
V Prasuhn, U Sieber
Aquatic sciences 67, 363-371, 2005
On the measurement of alpine soil erosion
N Konz, V Prasuhn, C Alewell
Catena 91, 63-71, 2012
Cesium‐137‐based erosion‐rate determination of a steep mountainous region
N Konz, M Schaub, V Prasuhn, D Baenninger, C Alewell
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 172 (5), 615-622, 2009
Abschaetzung der Phosphor-und Stickstoffverluste aus diffusen Quellen in die Gewaesser des Kantons Bern.
V Prasuhn, M Braun
Twenty years of soil erosion on‐farm measurement: annual variation, spatial distribution and the impact of conservation programmes for soil loss rates in Switzerland
V Prasuhn
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45 (7), 1539-1554, 2020
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