Structural and optical properties of indium oxide thin films prepared by an ultrasonic spray CVD process M Girtan, G Folcher Surface and Coatings Technology 172 (2-3), 242-250, 2003 | 209 | 2003 |
Comparison of ITO/metal/ITO and ZnO/metal/ZnO characteristics as transparent electrodes for third generation solar cells M Girtan Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 100, 153-161, 2012 | 202 | 2012 |
Role of ITO and PEDOT: PSS in stability/degradation of polymer: fullerene bulk heterojunctions solar cells M Girtan, M Rusu Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 94 (3), 446-450, 2010 | 189 | 2010 |
Effect of B 2 O 3 addition on optical and structural properties of TiO 2 as a new blocking layer for multiple dye sensitive solar cell application (DSSC) W Saidi, N Hfaidh, M Rasheed, M Girtan, A Megriche, MEL Maaoui RSC Advances 6 (73), 68819-68826, 2016 | 127 | 2016 |
Measurement of charge carrier mobility in perovskite nanowire films by photo-CELIV method A Aukštuolis, M Girtan, GA Mousdis, R Mallet, M Socol, M Rasheed, ... Proceedings of the Romanian Academy-Series A (Mathematics, Physics …, 2017 | 107 | 2017 |
Optical properties of Nb-doped TiO2 thin films prepared by sol-gel method AV Manole, M Dobromir, M Gîrtan, R Mallet, G Rusu, D Luca Ceramics International, 2012 | 95 | 2012 |
Optical, morphological and electrical studies of thermally vacuum evaporated CdTe thin films for photovoltaic applications O Toma, L Ion, M Girtan, S Antohe Solar energy 108, 51-60, 2014 | 81 | 2014 |
Structural and electrical properties of zinc oxides thin films prepared by thermal oxidation M Girtan, GG Rusu, S Dabos-Seignon, M Rusu Applied surface science 254 (13), 4179-4185, 2008 | 71 | 2008 |
Influence of oxidation conditions on the properties of indium oxide thin films M Girtan, GI Rusu, GG Rusu, S Gurlui Applied surface science 162, 492-498, 2000 | 71 | 2000 |
On the structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of sol–gel deposited ZnO: In films M Girtan, M Socol, B Pattier, M Sylla, A Stanculescu Thin Solid Films 519 (2), 573-577, 2010 | 70 | 2010 |
Optical characterization of vacuum evaporated CdZnTe thin films deposited by a multilayer method GG Rusu, M Rusu, M Girtan Vacuum 81 (11-12), 1476-1479, 2007 | 66 | 2007 |
A review on oxide/metal/oxide thin films on flexible substrates as electrodes for organic and perovskite solar cells M Girtan, B Negulescu Optical Materials: X 13, 100122, 2022 | 65 | 2022 |
A critical review of photovoltaic cells based on organic monomeric and polymeric thin film heterojunctions S Antohe, S Iftimie, L Hrostea, VA Antohe, M Girtan Thin Solid Films 642, 219-231, 2017 | 62 | 2017 |
On the physical properties of indium oxide thin films deposited by pyrosol in comparison with films deposited by pneumatic spray pyrolysis M Girtan, H Cachet, GI Rusu Thin Solid Films 427 (1-2), 406-410, 2003 | 58 | 2003 |
On the stability of the electrical and photoelectrical properties of P3HT and P3HT: PCBM blends thin films M Girtan Organic Electronics 14 (1), 200-205, 2013 | 53 | 2013 |
Undoped and Cr-doped TiO2 thin films obtained by spray pyrolysis D Mardare, F Iacomi, N Cornei, M Girtan, D Luca Thin Solid Films 518 (16), 4586-4589, 2010 | 53 | 2010 |
On titanium oxide spray deposited thin films for solar cells applications I Vaiciulis, M Girtan, A Stanculescu, L Leontie, F Habelhames, S Antohe | 50 | 2012 |
The critical raw materials issue between scarcity, supply risk, and unique properties M Girtan, A Wittenberg, ML Grilli, DPS de Oliveira, C Giosuè, ML Ruello Materials 14 (8), 1826, 2021 | 49 | 2021 |
On the properties of aluminium doped zinc oxide thin films deposited on plastic substrates from ceramic targets M Girtan, A Vlad, R Mallet, MA Bodea, JD Pedarnig, A Stanculescu, ... Applied surface science 274, 306-313, 2013 | 45 | 2013 |
Surface wettability of titania thin films with increasing Nb content D Mardare, A Yildiz, M Girtan, A Manole, M Dobromir, M Irimia, ... Journal of Applied Physics 112 (7), 2012 | 44 | 2012 |