Maria Manuela Morais
Maria Manuela Morais
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na uevora.pt
Non-perennial Mediterranean rivers in Europe: status, pressures, and challenges for research and management
NT Skoulikidis, S Sabater, T Datry, MM Morais, A Buffagni, G Dörflinger, ...
Science of the Total Environment 577, 1-18, 2017
A global analysis of terrestrial plant litter dynamics in non-perennial waterways
T Datry, A Foulquier, R Corti, D Von Schiller, K Tockner, C Mendoza-Lera, ...
Nature geoscience 11 (7), 497-503, 2018
Biomonitoring of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams in Europe: Current practice and priorities to enhance ecological status assessments
R Stubbington, R Chadd, N Cid, Z Csabai, M Miliša, M Morais, A Munné, ...
Science of the total environment 618, 1096-1113, 2018
Factors affecting macroinvertebrate richness and diversity in Portuguese streams: a two‐scale analysis
MAS Graça, P Pinto, R Cortes, N Coimbra, S Oliveira, M Morais, ...
International Review of Hydrobiology: A Journal Covering all Aspects of …, 2004
Assessment of temporary streams: the robustness of metric and multimetric indices under different hydrological conditions
M Morais, P Pinto, P Guilherme, J Rosado, I Antunes
Integrated Assessment of Running Waters in Europe, 229-249, 2004
Assessment methodology for southern siliceous basins in Portugal
P Pinto, J Rosado, M Morais, I Antunes
Hydrobiologia 516, 191-214, 2004
Sediment respiration pulses in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams
D Von Schiller, T Datry, R Corti, A Foulquier, K Tockner, R Marcé, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 33 (10), 1251-1263, 2019
Morphological variability within the Achnanthidium minutissimum species complex (Bacillariophyta): comparison between the type material of Achnanthes minutissima and …
MH Novais, I Juettner, B Van de Vijver, MM Morais, L Hoffmann, L Ector
Phytotaxa 224 (2), 101–139-101–139, 2015
A critical analysis of the type material of Achnanthidium lineare W. Sm.(Bacillariophyceae)
B Van de Vijver, L Ector, ME Beltrami, M de Haan, E Falasco, D Hlúbiková, ...
Science and management of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (SMIRES)
T Datry, G Singer, E Sauquet, DJ Capdevilla, D Von Schiller, ...
Research Ideas and Outcomes 3, 23 p., 2017
Phosphorus sequestration in Fe-rich sediments from two Brazilian tropical reservoirs
R Fonseca, T Canário, M Morais, F Barriga
Applied Geochemistry 26 (9-10), 1607-1622, 2011
Remote sensing of water quality parameters over Alqueva reservoir in the south of Portugal
M Potes, MJ Costa, JCB Da Silva, AM Silva, M Morais
International Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (12), 3373-3388, 2011
Use of Sentinel 2–MSI for water quality monitoring at Alqueva reservoir, Portugal
M Potes, G Rodrigues, AM Penha, MH Novais, MJ Costa, R Salgado, ...
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 380, 73-79, 2018
Diatoms of temporary and permanent watercourses in Southern Europe (Portugal)
MH Novais, MM Morais, J Rosado, LS Dias, L Hoffmann, L Ector
River research and applications 30 (10), 1216-1232, 2014
Nutrient dynamics in Mediterranean temporary streams: a case study in Pardiela catchment (Degebe River, Portugal)
AI Lillebø, M Morais, P Guilherme, R Fonseca, A Serafim, R Neves
Limnologica 37 (4), 337-348, 2007
Environmental filtering and limiting similarity as main forces driving diatom community structure in Mediterranean and continental temporary and perennial streams
G Várbíró, G Borics, MH Novais, MM Morais, F Rimet, A Bouchez, ...
Science of the Total Environment 741, 140459, 2020
Lake–atmosphere interactions at Alqueva reservoir: a case study in the summer of 2014
M Potes, R Salgado, MJ Costa, M Morais, D Bortoli, I Kostadinov, ...
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 69 (1), 1272787, 2017
Investigating hydrological regimes and processes in a set of catchments with temporary waters in Mediterranean Europe
F Gallart, Y Amaxidis, P Botti, G Cane, V Castillo, P Chapman, J Froebrich, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 53 (3), 618-628, 2008
Integrated modelling for water quality management in a eutrophic reservoir in south-eastern Portugal
D Brito, TB Ramos, MC Gonçalves, M Morais, R Neves
Environmental Earth Sciences 77, 1-20, 2018
Relationships among biological elements (macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and ichthyofauna) for different core river types across Europe at two different spatial scales
P Pinto, M Morais, M Ilheu, L Sandin
The Ecological Status of European Rivers: Evaluation and Intercalibration of …, 2006
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