Carla Susana da Encarnação Marques
Carla Susana da Encarnação Marques
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na utad.pt
Authentic leadership promoting employees' psychological capital and creativity
A Rego, F Sousa, C Marques, MP e Cunha
Journal of business research 65 (3), 429-437, 2012
Hope and positive affect mediating the authentic leadership and creativity relationship
A Rego, F Sousa, C Marques, MP e Cunha
Journal of Business research 67 (2), 200-210, 2014
University–industry cooperation: A systematic literature review and research agenda
C Mascarenhas, JJ Ferreira, C Marques
Science and Public Policy 45 (5), 708-718, 2018
Entrepreneurship education: How psychological, demographic and behavioural factors predict the entrepreneurial intention
CS Marques, JJ Ferreira, DN Gomes, R Gouveia Rodrigues
Education+ training 54 (8/9), 657-672, 2012
Triple helix and its evolution: a systematic literature review
A Galvao, C Mascarenhas, C Marques, J Ferreira, V Ratten
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management 10 (3), 812-833, 2019
Psychological capital and performance of Portuguese civil servants: Exploring neutralizers in the context of an appraisal system
A Rego, C Marques, S Leal, F Sousa, M Pina e Cunha
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 21 (9), 1531-1552, 2010
Optimism predicting employees' creativity: The mediating role of positive affect and the positivity ratio
A Rego, F Sousa, C Marques, MP Cunha
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 21 (2), 244-270, 2012
SME innovative capacity, competitive advantage and performance in a'traditional'industrial region of Portugal
CS Marques, J Ferreira
Journal of technology management & innovation 4 (4), 53-68, 2009
Understanding social responsibility’s influence on service quality and student satisfaction in higher education
G Santos, CS Marques, E Justino, L Mendes
Journal of cleaner production 256, 120597, 2020
Entrepreneurship education and training as facilitators of regional development: A systematic literature review
A Galvão, JJ Ferreira, C Marques
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 25 (1), 17-40, 2018
Passion and perseverance as two new dimensions of an Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation scale
G Santos, CS Marques, JJM Ferreira
Journal of Business Research 112, 190-199, 2020
Entrepreneurship education, gender and family background as antecedents on the entrepreneurial orientation of university students
CSE Marques, G Santos, A Galvão, C Mascarenhas, E Justino
International Journal of Innovation Science 10 (1), 58-70, 2018
What do we [not] know about technology entrepreneurship research?
JJM Ferreira, FAF Ferreira, CI Fernandes, MS Jalali, ML Raposo, ...
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 12, 713-733, 2016
Operationalizing and measuring individual entrepreneurial orientation using cognitive mapping and MCDA techniques
FAF Ferreira, CSE Marques, P Bento, JJM Ferreira, MS Jalali
Journal of Business Research 68 (12), 2691-2702, 2015
The role of entrepreneurship education and training programmes in advancing entrepreneurial skills and new ventures
A Galvão, C Marques, JJ Ferreira
European Journal of Training and Development 44 (6/7), 595-614, 2020
Factors influencing students’ corporate social responsibility orientation in higher education
A Galvão, L Mendes, C Marques, C Mascarenhas
Journal of cleaner production 215, 290-304, 2019
A systematic review of women's entrepreneurship and internationalization literature
J Moreira, CS Marques, A Braga, V Ratten
Thunderbird International Business Review 61 (4), 635-648, 2019
Assessing the innovation capability of small-and medium-sized enterprises using a non-parametric and integrative approach
BMS Castela, FAF Ferreira, JJM Ferreira, CSE Marques
Management Decision 56 (6), 1365-1383, 2018
Entrepreneurial university: towards a better understanding of past trends and future directions
C Mascarenhas, CS Marques, AR Galvão, G Santos
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy …, 2017
Tracking student entrepreneurial potential: personal attributes and the propensity for business start-ups after graduation in a Portuguese university
C Gerry, CS Marques, F Nogueira
Problems and Perspectives in Management 6 (4), 45-53, 2008
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