Bruno Tassin
Bruno Tassin
Senior scientist, Université Paris Est, Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées
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Synthetic fibers in atmospheric fallout: a source of microplastics in the environment?
R Dris, J Gasperi, M Saad, C Mirande, B Tassin
Marine pollution bulletin 104 (1-2), 290-293, 2016
Microplastic contamination in an urban area: a case study in Greater Paris
R Dris, J Gasperi, V Rocher, M Saad, N Renault, B Tassin
Environmental Chemistry 12 (5), 592-599, 2015
A first overview of textile fibers, including microplastics, in indoor and outdoor environments
R Dris, J Gasperi, C Mirande, C Mandin, M Guerrouache, V Langlois, ...
Environmental Pollution 221, 453-458, 2017
Microplastics in air: Are we breathing it in?
J Gasperi, SL Wright, R Dris, F Collard, C Mandin, M Guerrouache, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 1, 1-5, 2018
Beyond the ocean: contamination of freshwater ecosystems with (micro-) plastic particles
R Dris, H Imhof, W Sanchez, J Gasperi, F Galgani, B Tassin, C Laforsch
Environmental Chemistry 12 (5), 539-550, 2015
Macroplastic and microplastic contamination assessment of a tropical river (Saigon River, Vietnam) transversed by a developing megacity
L Lahens, E Strady, TC Kieu-Le, R Dris, K Boukerma, E Rinnert, J Gasperi, ...
Environmental Pollution 236, 661-671, 2018
Assessment of floating plastic debris in surface water along the Seine River
J Gasperi, R Dris, T Bonin, V Rocher, B Tassin
Environmental pollution 195, 163-166, 2014
Synthetic and non-synthetic anthropogenic fibers in a river under the impact of Paris Megacity: Sampling methodological aspects and flux estimations
R Dris, J Gasperi, V Rocher, B Tassin
Science of the Total Environment 618, 157-164, 2018
A Methodology to Characterize Riverine Macroplastic Emission into the Ocean
T van Emmerik, TC Kieu-Le, M Loozen, K van Oeveren, E Strady, XT Bui, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 372, 2018
The proliferation of the toxic cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens following restoration of the largest natural French lake (Lac du Bourget)
S Jacquet, JF Briand, C Leboulanger, C Avois-Jacquet, L Oberhaus, ...
Harmful algae 4 (4), 651-672, 2005
Sources and fate of microplastics in urban areas: a focus on Paris Megacity
R Dris, J Gasperi, B Tassin
Freshwater Microplastics, 69-83, 2018
Plastic particle ingestion by wild freshwater fish: a critical review
F Collard, J Gasperi, GW Gabrielsen, B Tassin
Environmental science & technology 53 (22), 12974-12988, 2019
Meta-analysis of environmental contamination by phthalates
A Bergé, M Cladière, J Gasperi, A Coursimault, B Tassin, R Moilleron
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20 (11), 8057-8076, 2013
Anthropogenic particles in the stomach contents and liver of the freshwater fish Squalius cephalus
F Collard, J Gasperi, B Gilbert, G Eppe, S Azimi, V Rocher, B Tassin
Science of The Total Environment 643, 1257-1264, 2018
Relationship between turbidity and total suspended solids concentration within a combined sewer system
A Hannouche, G Chebbo, G Ruban, B Tassin, BJ Lemaire, C Joannis
Water Science and Technology 64 (12), 2445-2452, 2011
Meta-analysis of environmental contamination by alkylphenols
A Bergé, M Cladière, J Gasperi, A Coursimault, B Tassin, R Moilleron
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19 (9), 3798-3819, 2012
Seine plastic debris transport tenfolded during increased river discharge
T van Emmerik, R Tramoy, C van Calcar, S Alligant, R Treilles, B Tassin, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 642, 2019
Do stormwater source control policies deliver the right hydrologic outcomes?
G Petrucci, E Rioust, JF Deroubaix, B Tassin
Journal of hydrology 485, 188-200, 2013
Numerical investigation of plunging density current
PE Bournet, D Dartus, B Tassin, B Vincon-Leite
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 125 (6), 584-594, 1999
Rainwater harvesting to control stormwater runoff in suburban areas. An experimental case-study
G Petrucci, JF Deroubaix, B De Gouvello, JC Deutsch, P Bompard, ...
Urban Water Journal 9 (1), 45-55, 2012
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