Sergio zerbini
Sergio zerbini
retired Professor Trento University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na unitn.it
Class of viable modified gravities describing inflation and the onset of accelerated expansion
G Cognola, E Elizalde, S Nojiri, SD Odintsov, L Sebastiani, S Zerbini
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 77 (4), 046009, 2008
Dark energy in modified Gauss-Bonnet gravity: Late-time acceleration and<? format?> the hierarchy problem
G Cognola, E Elizalde, S Nojiri, SD Odintsov, S Zerbini
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 73 (8), 084007, 2006
Hawking radiation as tunneling for extremal and rotatingblack holes
M Angheben, M Nadalini, L Vanzo, S Zerbini
Journal of High Energy Physics 2005 (05), 014, 2005
One-loop f (R) gravity in de Sitter universe
G Cognola, E Elizalde, S Nojiri, SD Odintsov, S Zerbini
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2005 (02), 010, 2005
Finite-time future singularities in modified Gauss–Bonnet and ℱ(R,G) gravity and singularity avoidance
K Bamba, SD Odintsov, L Sebastiani, S Zerbini
The European Physical Journal C 67, 295-310, 2010
String-inspired Gauss-Bonnet gravity reconstructed from the universe expansion history<? format?> and yielding the transition from matter dominance to dark energy
G Cognola, E Elizalde, S Nojiri, SD Odintsov, S Zerbini
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 75 (8), 086002, 2007
Quantum fields and extended objects in space-times with constant curvature spatial section
AA Bytsenko, G Cognola, L Vanzo, S Zerbini
Physics Reports 266 (1-2), 1-126, 1996
Nonsingular exponential gravity: A simple theory for early-and late-time accelerated expansion
E Elizalde, S Nojiri, SD Odintsov, L Sebastiani, S Zerbini
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 83 (8), 086006, 2011
Quantum (in) stability of dilatonic AdS backgrounds and the holographic renormalization group with gravity
S Nojiri, SD Odintsov, S Zerbini
Physical Review D 62 (6), 064006, 2000
Static spherically symmetric solutions in F(R) gravity
L Sebastiani, S Zerbini
The European Physical Journal C 71, 1-5, 2011
Local Hawking temperature for dynamical black holes
SA Hayward, R Di Criscienzo, M Nadalini, L Vanzo, S Zerbini
Classical and Quantum Gravity 26 (6), 062001, 2009
Static spherically symmetric solutions in mimetic gravity: rotation curves and wormholes
R Myrzakulov, L Sebastiani, S Vagnozzi, S Zerbini
Classical and quantum gravity 33 (12), 125005, 2016
Phantom and non-phantom dark energy: The Cosmological relevance of non-locally corrected gravity
S Jhingan, S Nojiri, SD Odintsov, M Sami, I Thongkool, S Zerbini
Physics Letters B 663 (5), 424-428, 2008
Nearly Starobinsky inflation from modified gravity
L Sebastiani, G Cognola, R Myrzakulov, SD Odintsov, S Zerbini
Physical Review D 89 (2), 023518, 2014
On the Hawking radiation as tunneling for a class of dynamical black holes
R Di Criscienzo, M Nadalini, L Vanzo, S Zerbini, G Zoccatelli
Physics Letters B 657 (1-3), 107-111, 2007
Analytic aspects of quantum fields
AA Bytsenko, G Cognola, E Elizalde, V Moretti, S Zerbini
World Scientific, 2003
Zeta-function regularization, the multiplicative anomaly and the Wodzicki residue
E Elizalde, L Vanzo, S Zerbini
Communications in mathematical physics 194, 613-630, 1998
Einstein gravity with Gauss-Bonnet entropic corrections
G Cognola, R Myrzakulov, L Sebastiani, S Zerbini
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (2), 024006, 2013
Covariant Hořava-like and mimetic Horndeski gravity: cosmological solutions and perturbations
G Cognola, R Myrzakulov, L Sebastiani, S Vagnozzi, S Zerbini
Classical and quantum gravity 33 (22), 225014, 2016
On the stability of a class of modified gravitational models
G Cognola, M Gastaldi, S Zerbini
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 47, 898-910, 2008
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