Marco Zaccaroni
Marco Zaccaroni
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The fast and the flexible: cognitive style drives individual variation in cognition in a small mammal
V Mazza, JA Eccard, M Zaccaroni, J Jacob, M Dammhahn
Animal Behaviour 137, 119-132, 2018
An invasive‐native mammalian species replacement process captured by camera trap survey random encounter models
A Caravaggi, M Zaccaroni, F Riga, SC Schai‐Braun, JTA Dick, ...
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 2 (1), 45-58, 2016
Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research
MPG Hofman, MW Hayward, M Heim, P Marchand, CM Rolandsen, ...
PloS one 14 (5), e0216223, 2019
Early exposure to low doses of atrazine affects behavior in juvenile and adult CD1 mice
V Belloni, F Dessì-Fulgheri, M Zaccaroni, E Di Consiglio, G De Angelis, ...
Toxicology 279 (1-3), 19-26, 2011
Individual variation in cognitive style reflects foraging and anti-predator strategies in a small mammal
V Mazza, J Jacob, M Dammhahn, M Zaccaroni, JA Eccard
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 10157, 2019
Are wildlife value orientations useful tools to explain tolerance and illegal killing of wildlife by farmers in response to crop damage?
J Cerri, E Mori, M Vivarelli, M Zaccaroni
European Journal of Wildlife Research 63, 1-8, 2017
Group specific vocal signature in free-ranging wolf packs
M Zaccaroni, D Passilongo, A Buccianti, F Dessì-Fulgheri, C Facchini, ...
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 24 (4), 322-331, 2012
Strong reactive movement response of the medium-sized European hare to elevated predation risk in short vegetation
MJA Weterings, M Zaccaroni, N van der Koore, LM Zijlstra, HJ Kuipers, ...
Animal Behaviour 115, 107-114, 2016
Does an early aversive experience to humans modify antipredator behaviour in adult Rock partridges?
M Zaccaroni, M Ciuffreda, M Paganin, L Beani
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 19 (3), 193-200, 2007
The acoustic structure of wolf howls in some eastern Tuscany (central Italy) free ranging packs
D Passilongo, A Buccianti, F DESSI-FULGHERI, A Gazzola, M Zaccaroni, ...
Bioacoustics 19 (3), 159-175, 2010
Anti-predator behaviour of the red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa (Galliformes: Phasianidae) to simulated terrestrial and aerial predators
R Binazzi, M Zaccaroni, A Nespoli, A Massolo, F Dessí-Fulgheri
Italian Journal of Zoology 78 (1), 106-112, 2011
Recreational angling as a vector of freshwater invasions in Central Italy: perceptions and prevalence of illegal fish restocking
J Cerri, A Ciappelli, A Lenuzza, M Zaccaroni, A Nocita
Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 38, 2018
Winter locomotor activity patterns of European hares (Lepus europaeus)
M Zaccaroni, N Biliotti, A Buccianti, S Calieri, M Ferretti, M Genghini, ...
Mammalian Biology 78 (6), 482-485, 2013
Home Range Analysis in the Study of Spatial Organization on the Comb in the Paper Wasp Polistes Dominulus
D Baracchi, M Zaccaroni, R Cervo, S Turillazzi
Ethology 116 (7), 579-587, 2010
Developmental exposure to very low levels of ethynilestradiol affects anxiety in a novelty place preference test of juvenile rats
M Zaccaroni, DD Seta, F Farabollini, L Fusani, F Dessì-Fulgheri
Neurotoxicity research 30 (4), 553-562, 2016
Guest or pest? Spatio-temporal occurrence and effects on soil and vegetation of the wild boar on Elba island
I Greco, E Fedele, M Salvatori, M Giampaoli Rustichelli, F Mercuri, ...
Mammalian Biology 101, 193-206, 2021
Preference of Polistes dominula wasps for trumpet creepers when infected by Xenos vesparum: A novel example of co-evolved traits between host and parasite
L Beani, F Cappa, F Manfredini, M Zaccaroni
PloS one 13 (10), e0205201, 2018
The R package “phuassess” for assessing habitat selection using permutation-based combination of sign tests
L Fattorini, C Pisani, F Riga, M Zaccaroni
Mammalian Biology 83, 64-70, 2017
From biology to management of Savi's pine vole (Microtus savii)
E Ranchelli, R Barfknecht, D Capizzi, F Riga, V Mazza, F Dell'Agnello, ...
Pest Management Science 72 (5), 857-863, 2016
Demographic parameters of reintroduced grey partridges in central Italy and the effect of weather
A Vidus Rosin, A Meriggi, F Pella, M Zaccaroni
European Journal of Wildlife Research 56, 369-375, 2010
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