Steven Parker
Steven Parker
Sr. Director, NVIDIA
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na nvidia.com
Optix: A general purpose ray tracing engine
SG Parker, J Bigler, A Dietrich, H Friedrich, J Hoberock, D Luebke, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 29 (4), 66, 2010
Interactive ray tracing
S Parker, W Martin, PPJ Sloan, P Shirley, B Smits, C Hansen
Proceedings of the 1999 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics, 119-126, 1999
Interactive ray tracing for isosurface rendering
S Parker, P Shirley, Y Livnat, C Hansen, PP Sloan
Visualization'98. Proceedings, 233-238, 1998
SCIRun: a scientific programming environment for computational steering
SG Parker, CR Johnson
Supercomputing, 1995. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM SC95 Conference, 52-52, 1995
A component architecture for high-performance scientific computing
DE Bernholdt, BA Allan, R Armstrong, F Bertrand, K Chiu, TL Dahlgren, ...
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 20 (2), 163-202, 2006
State of the art in ray tracing animated scenes
I Wald, WR Mark, J Günther, S Boulos, T Ize, W Hunt, SG Parker, P Shirley
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (6), 1691-1722, 2009
Interactive ray tracing for volume visualization
S Parker, M Parker, Y Livnat, PP Sloan, C Hansen, P Shirley
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Courses, 15, 2005
Ray tracing animated scenes using coherent grid traversal
I Wald, T Ize, A Kensler, A Knoll, SG Parker
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 25 (3), 485-493, 2006
Ray Tracing Animated Scenes using Coherent Grid Traversal
SG Parker, A Kensler, A Knoll, I Wald, T Ize
ACM transactions on graphics, 485-493, 2006
Interactive rendering using the render cache
B Walter, G Drettakis, S Parker
The SCIRun computational steering software system
SG Parker, DM Weinstein, CR Johnson
Modern Software Tools in Scientific Computing, 1-40, 1997
Uintah: A massively parallel problem solving environment
J Davison de St Germain, J McCorquodale, SG Parker, CR Johnson
High-Performance Distributed Computing, 2000. Proceedings. The Ninth …, 2000
Design for parallel interactive ray tracing systems
J Bigler, A Stephens, SG Parker
Interactive Ray Tracing 2006, IEEE Symposium on, 187-196, 2006
A component-based architecture for parallel multi-physics PDE simulation
SG Parker
Future Generation Computer Systems 22 (1-2), 204-216, 2005
Interactive simulation and visualization
C Johnson, SG Parker, C Hansen, GL Kindlmann, Y Livnat
Computer 32 (12), 59-65, 1999
The CCA component model for high‐performance scientific computing
R Armstrong, G Kumfert, LC McInnes, S Parker, B Allan, M Sottile, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18 (2), 215-229, 2006
SCIRun2: A CCA framework for high performance computing
K Zhang, K Damevski, V Venkatachalapathy, SG Parker
High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments, 2004 …, 2004
An integrated problem solving environment: The SCIRun computational steering system
SG Parker, M Miller, CD Hansen, CR Johnson
System Sciences, 1998., Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International …, 1998
Computational steering. Software systems and strategies
SG Parker, CR Johnson, D Beazley
Computational Science & Engineering, IEEE 4 (4), 50-59, 1997
Interactive isosurface ray tracing of large octree volumes
A Knoll, I Wald, S Parker, C Hansen
Interactive Ray Tracing 2006, IEEE Symposium on, 115-124, 2006
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