Yamanoi Kazuki
Yamanoi Kazuki
Disaster Research Institute, Kyoto University
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na kyoto-u.ac.jp
Evaluation of precipitation elasticity using precipitation data from ground and satellite-based estimates and watershed modeling in Western Nepal
R Talchabhadel, A Aryal, K Kawaike, K Yamanoi, H Nakagawa, B Bhatta, ...
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 33, 100768, 2021
Breaking limits of remote sensing by deep learning from simulated data for flood and debris-flow mapping
N Yokoya, K Yamanoi, W He, G Baier, B Adriano, H Miura, S Oishi
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-15, 2020
A comprehensive analysis of projected changes of extreme precipitation indices in West Rapti River basin, Nepal under changing climate
R Talchabhadel, A Aryal, K Kawaike, K Yamanoi, H Nakagawa
International Journal of Climatology 41, E2581-E2599, 2021
Assessment of vertical accuracy of open source 30m resolution space-borne digital elevation models
R Talchabhadel, H Nakagawa, K Kawaike, K Yamanoi, BR Thapa
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 12 (1), 939-960, 2021
Assessing the impact of climate change on sediment discharge using a large ensemble rainfall dataset in Pekerebetsu River basin, Hokkaido
R Kido, T Inoue, M Hatono, K Yamanoi
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 10 (1), 54, 2023
Appraising the potential of using satellite‐based rainfall estimates for evaluating extreme precipitation: A case study of august 2014 event across the west rapti river basin …
R Talchabhadel, H Nakagawa, K Kawaike, K Yamanoi, H Musumari, ...
Earth and Space Science 8 (8), e2020EA001518, 2021
Predictive simulation of concurrent debris flows: How slope failure locations affect predicted damage
K Yamanoi, S Oishi, K Kawaike, H Nakagawa
Journal of Flood Risk Management 15 (2), e12776, 2022
Point-based rainfall intensity information system in Mt. Merapi area by X-band radar
SS Putra, BW Ridwan, K Yamanoi, M Shimomura, D Hadiyuwono
Journal of Disaster Research 14 (1), 80-89, 2019
Sulistiyani, and Hadiyuwono D 2019 J
S Putra, B Ridwan, K Yamanoi, M Shimomura
Disaster Res 14 (1), 80-89, 0
SWAT modeling for assessing future scenarios of soil erosion in West Rapti River Basin of Nepal
R Talchabhadel, H Nakagawa, K Kawaike, K Yamanoi, A Aryal, B Bhatta, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1853, 2020
Breaking the limits of remote sensing by simulation and deep learning for flood and debris flow mapping
N Yokoya, K Yamanoi, W He, G Baier, B Adriano, H Miura, S Oishi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05180, 2020
Field Survey and Numerical Simulation of Fluvial Inundation and Sediment Deposition Due to Dyke Breach of Chikuma River
K Kawaike, M Takeda, M Toyota, H Yokawa, K Yamanoi, H Nakagawa
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering …, 2020
Code verification of soil dynamics simulations: A case study using the method of numerically manufactured solutions
J Chen, T Takeyama, O Hideyuki, K Yamanoi, S Oishi, M Hori
Computers and Geotechnics 117, 103258, 2020
Future assessment of rainfall erosivity (R-factor) in West Rapti Basin, Nepal based on RUSLE and CMIP5 climate models
R Talchabhadel, H Nakagawa, K Kawaike, K Yamanoi, A Aryal
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering …, 2019
Study on warning and evacuation system during sediment disaster in mountainous area employing multi‐hazard simulator
K Yamanoi, M Fujita
Journal of the Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering 69 (6), 2017
Risk estimation of multiple hazards related to sediment and water disasters occurring in heavy rainfall
K Yamanoi, M Fujita
J. Jpn. Soc. Civ. Eng. Ser. B 1, 2016, 2016
Development of a Combined Model of Sediment Production, Supply and Transport, and Its Application to a Mountainous Basin
K Yamanoi, M Fujita
Journal of JSCE 3 (1), 224-229, 2015
A combined model of sediment production, supply and transport
M Fujita, K Yamanoi, H Izumiyama
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 367 …, 2015
Response of urban flood resilience to climate change: An exploration with a novel performance-based metric considering the socioeconomic impacts of damage costs
J Zheng, X Chen, K Kawaike, K Yamanoi, T Koshiba, G Huang
Journal of Hydrology 645, 132260, 2024
3d Simulation of the Effect of Spur Dikes Spacing on Bed Deformation, Flow and Performance Evaluation in Meandering Channels
Journal of JSCE 12 (2), 23-16178, 2024
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