Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Marten RichterVeč o tem
Ni na voljo nikjer: 42
Refinement of a structural model of a pigment-protein complex by accurate optical line shape theory and experiments
T Renger, I Trostmann, C Theiss, ME Madjet, M Richter, H Paulsen, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (35), 10487-10501, 2007
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Tunable plasmon coupling in distance-controlled gold nanoparticles
H Lange, BH Juárez, A Carl, M Richter, NG Bastús, H Weller, C Thomsen, ...
Langmuir 28 (24), 8862-8866, 2012
Zahteve: German Research Foundation, Government of Spain
Antibunching of Thermal Radiation by a Room-Temperature Phonon Bath: A Numerically Solvable Model for a Strongly Interacting Light-Matter-Reservoir System
A Carmele, M Richter, WW Chow, A Knorr
Physical review letters 104 (15), 156801, 2010
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Photon statistics as a probe for exciton correlations in coupled nanostructures
A Carmele, A Knorr, M Richter
Physical Review B 79 (3), 035316, 2009
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Influence of Förster interaction on light emission statistics in hybrid systems
TS Theuerholz, A Carmele, M Richter, A Knorr
Physical Review B 87 (24), 245313, 2013
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Microscopic equation-of-motion approach to the multiphonon assisted quantum emission of a semiconductor quantum dot
J Kabuss, A Carmele, M Richter, A Knorr
Physical Review B 84 (12), 125324, 2011
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
A Bloch equation approach to intensity dependent optical spectra of light harvesting complex II
M Richter, T Renger, A Knorr
Photosynthesis Research 95 (2-3), 119-127, 2008
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Model of thermal terahertz light emission from a two-dimensional electron gas
M Richter, S Butscher, M Schaarschmidt, A Knorr
Physical Review B 75 (11), 115331, 2007
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Nonperturbative theory for the optical response to strong light of the light harvesting complex II of plants: Saturation of the fluorescence quantum yield
M Richter, T Renger, G Renger, A Knorr
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (7), 075105, 2007
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Maxwell–bloch equation approach for describing the microscopic dynamics of quantum-dot surface-emitting structures
JE Kim, E Malic, M Richter, A Wilms, A Knorr
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 46 (7), 1115-1126, 2010
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Two-dimensional spectroscopy: An approach to distinguish Förster and Dexter transfer processes in coupled nanostructures
JF Specht, A Knorr, M Richter
Physical Review B 91 (15), 155313, 2015
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
A time convolution less density matrix approach to the nonlinear optical response of a coupled system-bath complex
M Richter, A Knorr
Annals of Physics 325 (4), 711-747, 2010
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Semiconductor Quantum Dot Lifetime Near an Atomically Smooth Ag Film Exhibits a Narrow Distribution
T Hartsfield, M Gegg, PH Su, MR Buck, JA Hollingsworth, CK Shih, ...
ACS Photonics 3 (6), 1085-1089, 2016
Zahteve: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, German Research …
Excitonic effects in intraband quantum dot spectroscopy: Formation of bound continuum excitons
SC Kuhn, M Richter
Physical Review B 90 (12), 125308, 2014
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Ultrafast electron dynamics in metals: Real-time analysis of a reflected light field using photoelectrons
U Bovensiepen, S Declair, M Lisowski, PA Loukakos, A Hotzel, M Richter, ...
Physical Review B 79 (4), 045415, 2009
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Poisson Green's function method for increased computational efficiency in numerical calculations of Coulomb coupling elements
A Zimmermann, S Kuhn, M Richter
Physical Review B 93 (3), 035308, 2016
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Two-dimensional Fourier spectroscopy applied to electron-phonon correlations in quantum well intersubband systems
TUK Dang, C Weber, S Eiser, A Knorr, M Richter
Physical Review B 86 (15), 155306, 2012
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Line Narrowing of Excited-State Transitions in Nonlinear Polarization Spectroscopy: Application to Water-Soluble Chlorophyll-Binding Protein
M Schoth, M Richter, A Knorr, T Renger
Physical Review Letters 108 (17), 178104, 2012
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
Hybrid density matrix approach as a factorization scheme for many-body systems: Illustrated by a quantum dot–continuum system
SC Kuhn, M Richter
Physical Review B 91 (15), 155309, 2015
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
All-optical approach to determine the spatial shape of nanoscale electron wave functions using intraband spectroscopy
SC Kuhn, A Knorr, M Richter, N Owschimikow, M Kolarczik, YI Kaptan, ...
Physical Review B 89 (20), 201414, 2014
Zahteve: German Research Foundation
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