Lee Hannah
Lee Hannah
Senior Researcher, The Betty and Gordon Moore Center for Science and Oceans, Conservation International
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Extinction risk from climate change
CD Thomas, A Cameron, RE Green, M Bakkenes, LJ Beaumont, ...
Nature 427 (6970), 145-148, 2004
Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
RECOVERY Collaborative Group
Lancet (London, England) 397 (10285), 1637, 2021
People and parks: linking protected area management with local communities.
M Wells, KE Brandon, L Hannah
Global warming and extinctions of endemic species from biodiversity hotspots
JR Malcolm, C Liu, RP Neilson, L Hansen, LEE Hannah
Conservation biology 20 (2), 538-548, 2006
Would climate change drive species out of reserves? An assessment of existing reserve‐selection methods
MB Araújo, M Cabeza, W Thuiller, L Hannah, PH Williams
Global change biology 10 (9), 1618-1626, 2004
Protected area needs in a changing climate
L Hannah, G Midgley, S Andelman, M Araújo, G Hughes, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5 (3), 131-138, 2007
Climate change, wine, and conservation
L Hannah, PR Roehrdanz, M Ikegami, AV Shepard, MR Shaw, G Tabor, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 110 (17), 6907-6912, 2013
Conservation of biodiversity in a changing climate
L Hannah, GF Midgley, T Lovejoy, WJ Bond, M Bush, JC Lovett, D Scott, ...
Conservation Biology 16 (1), 264-268, 2002
Climate change‐integrated conservation strategies
L Hannah, GF Midgley, D Millar
Global Ecology and Biogeography 11 (6), 485-495, 2002
Climate change and biodiversity
TE Lovejoy
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), 2006
RECOVERY Collaborative Group Dexamethasone in hospitalized patients with Covid-19
P Horby, WS Lim, JR Emberson, M Mafham, JL Bell, L Linsell, N Staplin, ...
N Engl J Med 384 (8), 693-704, 2021
Ecology and economics for pandemic prevention
AP Dobson, SL Pimm, L Hannah, L Kaufman, JA Ahumada, AW Ando, ...
Science 369 (6502), 379-381, 2020
Assessing the vulnerability of species richness to anthropogenic climate change in a biodiversity hotspot
GF Midgley, L Hannah, D Millar, MC Rutherford, LW Powrie
Global Ecology and Biogeography 11 (6), 445-451, 2002
Climate‐smart landscapes: opportunities and challenges for integrating adaptation and mitigation in tropical agriculture
CA Harvey, M Chacon, CI Donatti, E Garen, L Hannah, A Andrade, ...
Conservation Letters 7 (2), 77-90, 2014
Human disturbance and natural habitat: a biome level analysis of a global data set
L Hannah, JL Carr, A Lankerani
Biodiversity & Conservation 4, 128-155, 1995
Modeling plant species distributions under future climates: how fine scale do climate projections need to be?
J Franklin, FW Davis, M Ikegami, AD Syphard, LE Flint, AL Flint, L Hannah
Global change biology 19 (2), 473-483, 2013
A preliminary inventory of human disturbance of world ecosystems
L Hannah, D Lohse, C Hutchinson, JL Carr, A Lankerani
Ambio, 246-250, 1994
Casirivimab and imdevimab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
O Abani, A Abbas, F Abbas, M Abbas, S Abbasi, H Abbass, A Abbott, ...
The Lancet 399 (10325), 665-676, 2022
Planning for climate change: identifying minimum‐dispersal corridors for the Cape Proteaceae
P Williams, LEE Hannah, S Andelman, GUY Midgley, M AraúJo, ...
Conservation Biology 19 (4), 1063-1074, 2005
Transformative adaptation to climate change for sustainable social-ecological systems
G Fedele, CI Donatti, CA Harvey, L Hannah, DG Hole
Environmental Science & Policy 101, 116-125, 2019
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