Laura E Via
Laura E Via
Associate Staff Scientist, National Institutes of Health
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na niaid.nih.gov
A rapid CTAB DNA isolation technique useful for RAPD fingerprinting and other PCR applications.
CNJ Stewart, LE Via
Host-directed therapy of tuberculosis based on interleukin-1 and type I interferon crosstalk
KD Mayer-Barber, BB Andrade, SD Oland, EP Amaral, DL Barber, ...
Nature 511 (7507), 99-103, 2014
Tuberculous granulomas are hypoxic in guinea pigs, rabbits, and nonhuman primates
LE Via, PL Lin, SM Ray, J Carrillo, SS Allen, SY Eum, K Taylor, E Klein, ...
Infection and immunity 76 (6), 2333-2340, 2008
Arrest of mycobacterial phagosome maturation is caused by a block in vesicle fusion between stages controlled by rab5 and rab7
LE Via, D Deretic, RJ Ulmer, NS Hibler, LA Huber, V Deretic
Journal of Biological Chemistry 272 (20), 13326-13331, 1997
Linezolid for treatment of chronic extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis
M Lee, J Lee, MW Carroll, H Choi, S Min, T Song, LE Via, LC Goldfeder, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 367 (16), 1508-1518, 2012
Neutrophils are the predominant infected phagocytic cells in the airways of patients with active pulmonary TB
SY Eum, JH Kong, MS Hong, YJ Lee, JH Kim, SH Hwang, SN Cho, LE Via, ...
Chest 137 (1), 122-128, 2010
The association between sterilizing activity and drug distribution into tuberculosis lesions
B Prideaux, LE Via, MD Zimmerman, S Eum, J Sarathy, P O'brien, C Chen, ...
Nature medicine 21 (10), 1223-1227, 2015
Effects of cytokines on mycobacterial phagosome maturation
LE Via, RA Fratti, M McFalone, E Pagan-Ramos, D Deretic, V Deretic1
Journal of cell science 111 (7), 897-905, 1998
Microenvironments in tuberculous granulomas are delineated by distinct populations of macrophage subsets and expression of nitric oxide synthase and arginase isoforms
JT Mattila, OO Ojo, D Kepka-Lenhart, S Marino, JH Kim, SY Eum, LE Via, ...
The Journal of Immunology 191 (2), 773-784, 2013
Inflammatory signaling in human tuberculosis granulomas is spatially organized
MJ Marakalala, RM Raju, K Sharma, YJ Zhang, EA Eugenin, B Prideaux, ...
Nature medicine 22 (5), 531-538, 2016
Genomic analysis of globally diverse Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains provides insights into the emergence and spread of multidrug resistance
AL Manson, KA Cohen, T Abeel, CA Desjardins, DT Armstrong, ...
Nature genetics 49 (3), 395-402, 2017
Persisting positron emission tomography lesion activity and Mycobacterium tuberculosis mRNA after tuberculosis cure
ST Malherbe, S Shenai, K Ronacher, AG Loxton, G Dolganov, M Kriel, ...
Nature medicine 22 (10), 1094-1100, 2016
High-sensitivity MALDI-MRM-MS imaging of moxifloxacin distribution in tuberculosis-infected rabbit lungs and granulomatous lesions
B Prideaux, V Dartois, D Staab, DM Weiner, A Goh, LE Via, CE Barry III, ...
Analytical chemistry 83 (6), 2112-2118, 2011
Prevalence of and risk factors for resistance to second-line drugs in people with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in eight countries: a prospective cohort study
T Dalton, P Cegielski, S Akksilp, L Asencios, JC Caoili, SN Cho, ...
The Lancet 380 (9851), 1406-1417, 2012
Uptake of unnatural trehalose analogs as a reporter for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
KM Backus, HI Boshoff, CS Barry, O Boutureira, MK Patel, F D'hooge, ...
Nature chemical biology 7 (4), 228-235, 2011
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a natural mutant with an inactivated oxidative‐stress regulatory gene:implications for sensitivity to isoniazid
V Deretic, W Philipp, S Dhandayuthapani, MH Mudd, R Curcic, T Garbe, ...
Molecular microbiology 17 (5), 889-900, 1995
Green fluorescent protein as a marker for gene expression and cell biology of mycobacterial interactions with macrophages
S Dhandayuthapani, LE Via, CA Thomas, PM Horowitz, D Deretic, ...
Molecular microbiology 17 (5), 901-912, 1995
Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor treatment normalizes tuberculosis granuloma vasculature and improves small molecule delivery
M Datta, LE Via, WS Kamoun, C Liu, W Chen, G Seano, DM Weiner, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (6), 1827-1832, 2015
Extreme drug tolerance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in caseum
JP Sarathy, LE Via, D Weiner, L Blanc, H Boshoff, EA Eugenin, ...
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 62 (2), 10.1128/aac. 02266-17, 2018
Pharmacokinetic evaluation of the penetration of antituberculosis agents in rabbit pulmonary lesions
MC Kjellsson, LE Via, A Goh, D Weiner, KM Low, S Kern, G Pillai, ...
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 56 (1), 446-457, 2012
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