Duc Quang Hoang
Duc Quang Hoang
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University,
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na tdt.edu.vn - Domača stran
Large magnetic-entropy change above 300 K in CMR materials
M. H. Phan, S. B. Tian, D. Q. Hoang, S. C. Yu, C. Nguyen, A. N. Ulyanov
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 258, 309, 2003
Exploring a silicene monolayer as a promising sensor platform to detect and capture NO and CO gas
DK Nguyen, DQ Hoang, DM Hoat
RSC advances 12 (16), 9828-9835, 2022
Effects of electric field and biaxial strain on the (NO2, NO, O2, and SO2) gas adsorption properties of Sc2CO2 monolayer
KD Pham, PC Dinh, TV Vu, HL Luong, DQ Hoang, OY Khyzhun, ...
Micro and Nanostructures 163, 107135, 2022
Enhanced optoelectronic performances of vertically aligned hexagonal boron nitride nanowalls nanocrystalline diamond heterostructures,
K. J. Sankaran, D. Q. Hoang, K. Srinivasu, S. Korneychuk, S. Turner, P ...
Sci. Rep. 6, 29444, 2016
Fe-doped SnSe monolayer: a promising 2D material for reusable SO2 gas sensor with high sensitivity
KD Pham, TD Hoang, QT Nguyen, DQ Hoang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 940, 168919, 2023
The characteristics of defective ZrS2 monolayers adsorbed various gases on S-vacancies: A first-principles study
HTT Nguyen, DQ Hoang, TP Dao, CV Nguyen, HV Phuc, NN Hieu, ...
Superlattices and Microstructures 140, 106454, 2020
Elucidation of the growth mechanism of sputtered 2D hexagonal boron nitride nanowalls,
D. Q. Hoang, P. Pobedinskas, S. S. Nicley, S. Turner, S. D. Janssens, M. K ...
Cryst. Growth Des. 16, 3699, 2016
First principles analysis of the half-metallic ferromagnetism, elastic and thermodynamic properties of equiatomic quaternary Heusler compound CoCrRhSi
DM Hoat, DQ Hoang, NTT Binh, M Naseri, JF Rivas-Silva, AI Kartamyshev, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 257, 123695, 2021
Direct nucleation of hexagonal boron nitride on diamond: Crystalline properties of hBN nanowalls
DQ Hoang, S Korneychuk, KJ Sankaran, P Pobedinskas, S Drijkoningen, ...
Acta Materialia 127, 17-24, 2017
Pr0.7Ca0.15Ba0.15MnO3 manganite: Electron paramagnetic resonance, conductivity and susceptibility
A. N. Ulyanov, H. D. Quang, N. E. Pismenova, S. C. Yu, G. G. Levchenko
Solid State Commun. 152, 1556, 2012
The microstructure, high performance magnetic hardness and magnetic after-effect of an \alpha-FeCo/Pr2Fe14B nanocomposite magnet with low Pr concentration,
D. T. Ngo, H. G. Duong, H. H. Nguyen, C. Nguyen, M. Basith, D. Q. Hoang
Nanotechnology 20, 165707, 2009
Influence of cellulose nanoparticles on structure and electrophysical properties of ferroelectrics
BD Mai, HT Nguyen, DQ Hoang
Materials Transactions 60 (12), 2499-2505, 2019
New equiatomic quaternary heusler compounds without transition metals KCaBX (X= S and Se): Robust half-metallicity and optical properties
DM Hoat, DQ Hoang, M Naseri, R Ponce-Pérez, NTT Binh, JF Rivas-Silva, ...
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 100, 107642, 2020
Field-driven single domain wall motion in ferromagnetic nanowires
LDA Ho, MT Tran, XH Cao, VA Dao, DQ Hoang
RSC advances 8 (26), 14539-14551, 2018
Hierarchical hexagonal boron nitride nanowall–diamond nanorod heterostructures with enhanced optoelectronic performance
KJ Sankaran, DQ Hoang, S Korneychuk, S Kunuku, JP Thomas, ...
RSC advances 6 (93), 90338-90346, 2016
The effect of edge-roughness of magnetic nanowires on the degree of asymmetry in transverse domain walls
DQ Hoang, MT Tran, XH Cao
RSC Advances 7 (78), 49188-49193, 2017
EPR and resistivity study of Pr0.7Ba0.3MnO3 manganite
A. N. Ulyanov, H. D. Quang, N. E. Pismenova, S. C. Yu
IEEE Trans. Magn. 41, 2745, 2005
Optimization of exposure parameters for lift-off process of sub-100 features using a negative tone electron beam resist
DC Leitao, RJ Macedo, AV Silva, DQ Hoang, DA MacLaren, S McVitie, ...
2012 12th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 1-6, 2012
A novel composite from nanodispersed silica and an organic ferroelectric of diisopropylammonium bromide: preparation, characterization and dielectric properties
BD Mai, HT Nguyen, DQ Hoang
Materials Transactions 60 (10), 2132-2136, 2019
Magnetic relaxation behavior in Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3: observation of negative imaginary component of ac magnetic susceptibility
A. N. Ulyanov, H. D. Quang, K. W. Lee, S. C. Yu, N. H. Sinh, Y. M. Kang, S ...
IEEE Trans. Magn. 44, 3060, 2008
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