Članki z zahtevami za javni dostop - Nela FilimonVeč o tem
Na voljo nekje: 3
Music access patterns: A social interpretation
J López-Sintas, À Cebollada, N Filimon, A Gharhaman
Poetics 46, 56-74, 2014
Zahteve: Government of Spain
A social theory of internet uses based on consumption scale and linkage needs
J López-Sintas, N Filimon, ME García-Álvarez
Social Science Computer Review 30 (1), 108-129, 2012
Zahteve: Government of Spain
Reading habits in Spain and the role of environmental cultural resources
N Filimon
Economics of culture: new aspects and new trends, 197-216, 2013
Zahteve: Government of Spain
Podatke o objavi in financiranju samodejno določi računalniški program