Peter Muennig
Socioeconomic status and the 25× 25 risk factors as determinants of premature mortality: a multicohort study and meta-analysis of 1· 7 million men and women
S Stringhini, C Carmeli, M Jokela, M Avendaño, P Muennig, F Guida, ...
The Lancet 389 (10075), 1229-1237, 2017
The Costs and Benefits of an Excellent Education for All of America´ s Children
HM Levin, CR Belfield, P Muennig, C Rouse
Cost-effectiveness analysis in health: a practical approach
P Muennig, M Bounthavong
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Retracted: Structural stigma and all-cause mortality in sexual minority populations
ML Hatzenbuehler, A Bellatorre, Y Lee, BK Finch, P Muennig, K Fiscella
Social science & medicine 103, 33-41, 2014
Gender and the burden of disease attributable to obesity
P Muennig, E Lubetkin, H Jia, P Franks
American journal of public health 96 (9), 1662-1668, 2006
The body politic: the relationship between stigma and obesity-associated disease
P Muennig
BMC public health 8, 1-10, 2008
Effects of a prekindergarten educational intervention on adult health: 37-year follow-up results of a randomized controlled trial
P Muennig, L Schweinhart, J Montie, M Neidell
American journal of public health 99 (8), 1431-1437, 2009
Designing and conducting cost-effectiveness analyses in medicine and health care
P Muennig, K Khan
(No Title), 2002
Epilepsy surgery for pharmacoresistant temporal lobe epilepsy: a decision analysis
H Choi, RL Sell, L Lenert, P Muennig, RR Goodman, FG Gilliam, JB Wong
Jama 300 (21), 2497-2505, 2008
I think therefore I am: perceived ideal weight as a determinant of health
P Muennig, H Jia, R Lee, E Lubetkin
American journal of public health 98 (3), 501-506, 2008
Global drug-resistance patterns and the management of latent tuberculosis infection in immigrants to the United States
K Khan, P Muennig, M Behta, JG Zivin
New England Journal of Medicine 347 (23), 1850-1859, 2002
Associations between healthy lifestyle behaviors and academic performance in US undergraduates: a secondary analysis of the American College Health Association's National …
A Wald, PA Muennig, KA O'Connell, CE Garber
American Journal of Health Promotion 28 (5), 298-305, 2014
The public returns to public educational investments in African-American males
HM Levin, C Belfield, P Muennig, C Rouse
Economics of Education review 26 (6), 699-708, 2007
The cost effectiveness of strategies for the treatment of intestinal parasites in immigrants
P Muennig, D Pallin, RL Sell, MS Chan
New England Journal of Medicine 340 (10), 773-779, 1999
The effect of an early education program on adult health: the Carolina Abecedarian Project randomized controlled trial
P Muennig, D Robertson, G Johnson, F Campbell, EP Pungello, M Neidell
American journal of public health 101 (3), 512-516, 2011
The relative health burden of selected social and behavioral risk factors in the United States: implications for policy
P Muennig, K Fiscella, D Tancredi, P Franks
American journal of public health 100 (9), 1758-1764, 2010
The burden of disease associated with being African-American in the United States and the contribution of socio-economic status
P Franks, P Muennig, E Lubetkin, H Jia
Social science & medicine 62 (10), 2469-2478, 2006
Socioeconomic status, non-communicable disease risk factors, and walking speed in older adults: multi-cohort population based study
S Stringhini, C Carmeli, M Jokela, M Avendaño, C McCrory, A d’Errico, ...
bmj 360, 2018
Emotion suppression and mortality risk over a 12-year follow-up
BP Chapman, K Fiscella, I Kawachi, P Duberstein, P Muennig
Journal of psychosomatic research 75 (4), 381-385, 2013
What Americans keep ignoring about Finland’s school success
A Partanen
The Atlantic 12, 29, 2011
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