Tai-Yuan CHEN
Corporate disclosures by family firms
A Ali, TY Chen, S Radhakrishnan
Journal of accounting and economics 44 (1-2), 238-286, 2007
Substitution between real and accruals-based earnings management after voluntary adoption of compensation clawback provisions
LH Chan, KCW Chen, TY Chen, Y Yu
The Accounting Review 90 (1), 147-174, 2015
The effects of firm-initiated clawback provisions on earnings quality and auditor behavior
LH Chan, KCW Chen, TY Chen, Y Yu
Journal of Accounting and Economics 54 (2-3), 180-196, 2012
The role of manufacturing practices in mediating the impact of activity-based costing on plant performance
RD Banker, IR Bardhan, TY Chen
Accounting, organizations and society 33 (1), 1-19, 2008
The effects of firm-initiated clawback provisions on bank loan contracting
LH Chan, KCW Chen, TY Chen
Journal of Financial Economics 110 (3), 659-679, 2013
Transparency and financing choices of family firms
TY Chen, S Dasgupta, Y Yu
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 49 (2), 381-408, 2014
The effects of financial reporting on bank loan contracting in global markets: Evidence from mandatory IFRS adoption
TY Chen, CL Chin, S Wang, WR Yao
Journal of International Accounting Research 14 (2), 45-81, 2015
Compensation contracts of professional CEOs of family firms
A Ali, TY Chen, R Natarajan
Working Paper, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2006
Enforceability of non-compete covenants, discretionary investments, and financial reporting practices: Evidence from a natural experiment
TY Chen, G Zhang, Y Zhou
Journal of Accounting and Economics 65 (1), 41-60, 2018
Reexamining the relationship between audit and nonaudit fees: Dealing with weak instruments in two-stage least squares estimation
L Chan, TY Chen, S Janakiraman, S Radhakrishnan
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 27 (3), 299-324, 2012
Accrual-based and real activities based earnings management behavior of family firms in Japan
TY Chen, Z Gu, K Kubota, H Takehara
The Japanese Accounting Review 5 (2015), 21-47, 2015
Auditors Under Fire: The Association Between Audit Errors and the Career Setbacks of Individual Auditors
KCW Chen, TAIY CHEN, W Han, H Yuan
Journal of Accounting Research, 2021
Insider trading and family firms
LHL Chan, TY Chen, G Hilary
Annual Meeting of the European Finance Association, 2010
Auditors with or without styles? Evidence from unexpected auditor turnovers
TY Chen, HD Wang
Working Paper. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and National …, 2016
CEO perquisites and family firms
K Chen, T Chen, K Hui, K Chen
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Working Paper, 2009
Restrictions on managerial outside job opportunities and corporate tax policy: Evidence from a natural experiment
T Chen, Z Chen, Y Li
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 41 (1), 106879, 2022
Audit Market Competition and Audit Quality: Evidence from the Entry of Big 4 into City-Level Audit Markets in the US Audit market competition and audit quality
T Chen, X Dong, Y Yu
Uneven regulatory playing field and bank transparency abroad
TY Chen, YC Chen, M Hung
Journal of International Business Studies 53 (3), 379-404, 2022
Implicit employment contracts and stickiness of labor costs in family firms
LHL Chan, TY Chen
Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, 2010
Empirical Evidence on the Use of Long-Term Performance Plans
TY Chen, KW Hui, S Matsunaga, Y Zhang
unpublished working paper, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, July, 2009
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