Seongsoo (Simon) Jang
The effects of gamified customer benefits and characteristics on behavioral engagement and purchase: Evidence from mobile exercise application uses
S Jang, P Kitchen, J Kim
Journal of Business Research 92, 250-259, 2018
Why are hotel room prices different? Exploring spatially varying relationships between room price and hotel attributes
J Kim, S Jang, S Kang, SHJ Kim
Journal of Business Research 107, 118-129, 2020
Do price promotions drive consumer spending on luxury hotel services? The moderating roles of room price and user-generated content
S Jang, L Moutinho
International Journal of Hospitality Management 78, 27-35, 2019
The importance of spatial agglomeration in product innovation: A microgeography perspective
S Jang, J Kim, M von Zedtwitz
Journal of Business Research 78, 143-154, 2017
Tourism clusters and peer-to-peer accommodation
YJA Lee, S Jang, J Kim
Annals of Tourism Research 83, 102960, 2020
Nudging to reduce the perceived threat of coronavirus and stockpiling intention
J Kim, M Giroux, H Gonzalez-Jimenez, S Jang, S Kim, J Park, JE Kim, ...
Journal of Advertising 49 (5), 633-647, 2020
Spatial and experimental analysis of peer-to-peer accommodation consumption during COVID-19
S Jang, J Kim, J Kim, SS Kim
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2021
COVID-19 and extremeness aversion: The role of safety seeking in travel decision-making
J Kim, M Giroux, JE Kim, YK Choi, H Gonzalez-Jimenez, JC Lee, J Park, ...
Journal of Travel Research, 2021
Remedying Airbnb COVID-19 disruption through tourism clusters and community resilience
S Jang, J Kim
Journal of Business Research 139, 529-542, 2022
Continuance use intention with mobile augmented reality games: Overall and multigroup analyses on Pokémon Go
S Jang, Y Liu
Information Technology & People 33 (1), 37-55, 2020
Remedying food policy invisibility with spatial intersectionality: A case study in the Detroit Metropolitan Area
S Jang, J Kim
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 37 (1), 167-187, 2018
Seasonal Spatial Activity Patterns of Visitors with a Mobile Exercise Application at Seoraksan National Park, South Korea
J Kim, B Thapa, S Jang, E Yang
Sustainability 10 (2263), 2018
Tourism and economic resilience
YJA Lee, J Kim, S Jang, K Ash, E Yang
Annals of Tourism Research, 2021
GPS-based mobile exercise application: An alternative tool to assess spatio-temporal patterns of visitors’ activities in a national park
J Kim, B Thapa, S Jang
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 37 (1), 2019
How do interaction activities among customers and between customers and firms influence market performance and continuous product innovation? An empirical investigation in …
S Jang, J Chung
Journal of Product Innovation Management 32 (2), 183-191, 2015
The importance of functional and emotional content in online consumer reviews for product sales: Evidence from the mobile gaming market
S Jang, J Chung, VR Rao
Journal of Business Research, 2021
The effect of quality cues on travelers’ demand for peer-to-peer ridesharing: a neglected area of the sharing economy
S Jang, M Farajallah, KKF So
Journal of Travel Research 60 (2), 446-461, 2021
Impact of corporate social (ir)responsibility on volume and valence of online employee reviews: Evidence from the tourism and hospitality industry
S Jang, B Kim, S Lee
Tourism Management 91, 104501, 2022
The moderating role of childhood socio-economic status on the impact of nudging on the perceived threat of Coronavirus and stockpiling intention
J Kim, M Giroux, JE Kim, YK Choi, H Gonzalez-Jimenez, JC Lee, J Park, ...
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2021
What drives add-on sales in mobile games? The role of inter-price relationship and product popularity
S Jang, J Chung
Journal of Business Research 124, 59-68, 2021
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