Crafting science: Standardized packages, boundary objects, and "translation" JH Fujimura Science as practice and culture 168, 168-69, 1992 | 1166 | 1992 |
The right tools for the job: At work in twentieth-century life sciences AE Clarke, JH Fujimura Princeton University Press, 1992 | 899 | 1992 |
Constructing 'Do-able' Problems in Cancer Research: Articulating Alignment JH Fujimura Social studies of science 17 (2), 257-293, 1987 | 815 | 1987 |
Crafting science: A sociohistory of the quest for the genetics of cancer JH Fujimura Harvard University Press, 1996 | 664 | 1996 |
The molecular biological bandwagon in cancer research: Where social worlds meet JH Fujimura Social Problems 35 (3), 261-283, 1988 | 452 | 1988 |
Different differences: The use of 'genetic ancestry' versus race in biomedical human genetic research JH Fujimura, R Rajagopalan Social Studies of Science, 0306312710379170, 2010 | 376 | 2010 |
The science and business of genetic ancestry testing DA Bolnick, D Fullwiley, T Duster, RS Cooper, JH Fujimura, J Kahn, ... Science 318 (5849), 399-400, 2007 | 353 | 2007 |
What tools? Which jobs? Why right? A Clark, J Fujimura The right tools for the job: At work in twentieth-century life sciences, 1992 | 240 | 1992 |
Medical work and the computerbased patient record: A sociological perspective M Berg Methods of information in medicine 37 (03), 294-301, 1998 | 227 | 1998 |
Future imaginaries JH Fujimura Genetic nature/culture, 176-199, 2003 | 160 | 2003 |
On methods, ontologies, and representation in the sociology of science: Where do we stand? J Fujimura Social organization and social process: Essays in honor of Anselm Strauss …, 1991 | 160* | 1991 |
Comparative perspectives and competing explanations: Taking on the newly configured reductionist challenge to sociology T Duster American Sociological Review 71 (1), 1-15, 2006 | 159 | 2006 |
Introduction: race, genetics, and disease: questions of evidence, matters of consequence JH Fujimura, T Duster, R Rajagopalan Social Studies of Science 38 (5), 643-656, 2008 | 140 | 2008 |
Sex genes: A critical sociomaterial approach to the politics and molecular genetics of sex determination JH Fujimura Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 32 (1), 49-82, 2006 | 136 | 2006 |
Dissent in science: styles of scientific practice and the controversy over the cause of AIDS JH Fujimura, DY Chou Social science & medicine 38 (8), 1017-1036, 1994 | 130 | 1994 |
Postgenomic futures: translations across the machine-nature border in systems biology JH Fujimura New Genetics and Society 24 (2), 195-226, 2005 | 107 | 2005 |
Authorizing knowledge in science and anthropology JH Fujimura American Anthropologist 100 (2), 347-360, 1998 | 105 | 1998 |
Clines without classes: how to make sense of human variation JH Fujimura, DA Bolnick, R Rajagopalan, JS Kaufman, RC Lewontin, ... Sociological theory 32 (3), 208-227, 2014 | 102 | 2014 |
Calculating life? Duelling discourses in interdisciplinary systems biology J Calvert, JH Fujimura Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and …, 2011 | 95 | 2011 |
Ecologies of action: Recombining genes, molecularizing cancer, and transforming biology J Fujimura Ecologies of knowledge: Work and politics in science and technology, 302-346, 1995 | 81 | 1995 |