Matching creativity requirements and the work environment: Effects on satisfaction and intentions to leave CE Shalley, LL Gilson, TC Blum Academy of management journal 43 (2), 215-223, 2000 | 1517 | 2000 |
Work-family human resource bundles and perceived organizational performance JE Perry-Smith, TC Blum Academy of management Journal 43 (6), 1107-1117, 2000 | 1215 | 2000 |
Interactive effects of growth need strength, work context, and job complexity on self-reported creative performance CE Shalley, LL Gilson, TC Blum Academy of Management journal 52 (3), 489-505, 2009 | 1081 | 2009 |
Assessing the non-random sampling effects of subject attrition in longitudinal research JS Goodman, TC Blum Journal of Management 22 (4), 627-652, 1996 | 891 | 1996 |
Heterogeneity and intermarriage PM Blau, TC Blum, JE Schwartz American sociological review, 45-62, 1982 | 797 | 1982 |
Organization-level determinants of women in management TC Blum, DL Fields, JS Goodman Academy of Management journal 37 (2), 241-268, 1994 | 494 | 1994 |
Cracks in the glass ceiling: In what kinds of organizations do women make it to the top? JS Goodman, DL Fields, TC Blum Group & Organization Management 28 (4), 475-501, 2003 | 392 | 2003 |
Employee satisfaction in work groups with different gender composition DL Fields, TC Blum Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 1997 | 276 | 1997 |
The workplace and alcohol problem prevention PM Roman, TC Blum Alcohol Research & Health 26 (1), 49, 2002 | 244 | 2002 |
Effects of marital and co-worker relationships on negative affect: Testing the central role of marriage SRH Beach, JK Martin, TC Blum, PM Roman American Journal of Family Therapy 21 (4), 313-323, 1993 | 199 | 1993 |
Alcohol consumption and work performance. TC Blum, PM Roman, JK Martin Journal of studies on alcohol 54 (1), 61-70, 1993 | 198 | 1993 |
Homeownership and social attachment TC Blum, PW Kingston Sociological Perspectives 27 (2), 159-180, 1984 | 191 | 1984 |
Organizational structure and job satisfaction: Do bureaucratic organizations produce more satisfied employees? W Finlay, JK Martin, PM Roman, TC Blum Administration & Society 27 (3), 427-450, 1995 | 150 | 1995 |
The core technology of employee assistance programs PM Roman, TC Blum The Almacan 15 (3), 8-9, 1985 | 149 | 1985 |
Exploring predictors of alternative job changes D Fields, ME Dingman, PM Roman, TC Blum Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 78 (1), 63-82, 2005 | 141 | 2005 |
Structural constraints on interpersonal relations: A test of Blau's macrosociological theory TC Blum American Journal of Sociology 91 (3), 511-521, 1985 | 140 | 1985 |
Servant leadership, leader gender, and team gender role: Testing a female advantage in a cascading model of performance GJ Lemoine, TC Blum Personnel Psychology 74 (1), 3-28, 2021 | 133 | 2021 |
Subclinical depression and performance at work JK Martin, TC Blum, SRH Beach, PM Roman Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 31, 3-9, 1996 | 131 | 1996 |
Does decentralization make a difference for the organization? An examination of the boundary conditions circumbscribing decentralized decision-making and organizational … HA Richardson, RJ Vandenberg, TC Blum, PM Roman Journal of management 28 (2), 217-244, 2002 | 121 | 2002 |
Drinking to cope and self‐medication: Characteristics of jobs in relation to workers' drinking behavior JK Martin, TC Blum, PM Roman Journal of Organizational Behavior 13 (1), 55-71, 1992 | 119 | 1992 |