Kathryn Amos
Kathryn Amos
Chair in GeoEnergy, University of Adelaide
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na adelaide.edu.au - Domača stran
Flow structure in sinuous submarine channels: Velocity and turbulence structure of an experimental submarine channel
GM Keevil, J Peakall, JL Best, KJ Amos
Marine Geology 229 (3-4), 241-257, 2006
Flow processes and sedimentation in submarine channel bends
J Peakall, KJ Amos, GM Keevil, PW Bradbury, S Gupta
Marine and Petroleum Geology 24 (6-9), 470-486, 2007
The orientation of helical flow in curved channels
RKT Corney, J Peakall, DR Parsons, L Elliott, KJ Amos, JL Best, ...
Sedimentology 53 (2), 249-257, 2006
Supply limited sediment transport in a high‐discharge event of the tropical Burdekin River, North Queensland, Australia
KJ Amos, J Alexander, A Horn, GD Pocock, CR Fielding
Sedimentology 51 (1), 145-162, 2004
The influence of bend amplitude and planform morphology on flow and sedimentation in submarine channels
KJ Amos, J Peakall, PW Bradbury, M Roberts, G Keevil, S Gupta
Marine and Petroleum Geology 27 (7), 1431-1447, 2010
Characterisation of aeolian sediments from the Strzelecki and Tirari Deserts, Australia: implications for reconstructing palaeoenvironmental conditions
KE Fitzsimmons, JW Magee, KJ Amos
Sedimentary Geology 218 (1-4), 61-73, 2009
Neoproterozoic geochronology and provenance of the Adelaide Superbasin
JC Lloyd, ML Blades, JW Counts, AS Collins, KJ Amos, BP Wade, JW Hall, ...
Precambrian Research 350, 105849, 2020
Tidal signatures in an intracratonic playa lake
RB Ainsworth, ST Hasiotis, KJ Amos, CBE Krapf, THD Payenberg, ...
Geology 40 (7), 607-610, 2012
A 100 ka record of fluvial activity in the Fitzroy River Basin, tropical northeastern Australia
J Croke, JD Jansen, K Amos, TJ Pietsch
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (13-14), 1681-1695, 2011
Biomediation of submarine sediment gravity flow dynamics
MJ Craig, JH Baas, KJ Amos, LJ Strachan, AJ Manning, DM Paterson, ...
Geology 48 (1), 72-76, 2020
Reply to Discussion of Imran et al. on “The orientation of helical flow in curved channels” by Corney et al., Sedimentology, 53, 249–257.
RKT Corney, J Peakall, DR Parsons, L Elliott, JL Best, RE Thomas, ...
Sedimentology 55 (1), 2008
The application of caesium‐137 measurements to investigate floodplain deposition in a large semi‐arid catchment in Queensland, Australia: A low‐fallout environment
KJ Amos, JC Croke, H Timmers, PN Owens, C Thompson
Earth surface processes and landforms 34 (4), 515-529, 2009
Actualistic studies of the spatial and temporal distribution of terrestrial and aquatic organism traces in continental environments to differentiate lacustrine from fluvial …
ST Hasiotis, BF Platt, M Reilly, K Amos, S Lang, D Kennedy, JA Todd, ...
Seismic facies analysis and structural interpretation of the Sandakan sub-basin, Sulu Sea, Philippines
K Futalan, A Mitchell, K Amos, G Backe
AAPG Search and Discovery Article 30254, 2012
A catchment‐scale assessment of anabranching in the 143 000 km2 Fitzroy River catchment, north‐eastern Australia
KJ Amos, JC Croke, AO Hughes, J Chapman, I Takken, L Lymburner
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2008
Unit bar architecture in a highly‐variable fluvial discharge regime: Examples from the Burdekin River, Australia
CM Herbert, J Alexander, KJ Amos, CR Fielding
Sedimentology 67 (1), 576-605, 2020
Sedimentological interpretation of an Ediacaran delta: Bonney Sandstone, South Australia
JW Counts, F Rarity, RB Ainsworth, KJ Amos, T Lane, S Moron, J Trainor, ...
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 63 (3), 257-273, 2016
The role of floodplain width and alluvial bar growth as a precursor for the formation of anabranching rivers
S Morón, DA Edmonds, K Amos
Geomorphology 278, 78-90, 2017
Avulsion triggering by El Niño–Southern Oscillation and tectonic forcing: The case of the tropical Magdalena River, Colombia
S Morón, K Amos, DA Edmonds, T Payenberg, X Sun, M Thyer
Bulletin 129 (9-10), 1300-1313, 2017
Early evolution of the Adelaide Superbasin
JC Lloyd, AS Collins, ML Blades, SE Gilbert, KJ Amos
Geosciences 12 (4), 154, 2022
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