Paul W. King
Beyond fossil fuel–driven nitrogen transformations
JG Chen, RM Crooks, LC Seefeldt, KL Bren, RM Bullock, ...
Science 360 (6391), eaar6611, 2018
Light-driven dinitrogen reduction catalyzed by a CdS: nitrogenase MoFe protein biohybrid
KA Brown, DF Harris, MB Wilker, A Rasmussen, N Khadka, H Hamby, ...
Science 352 (6284), 448-450, 2016
Discovery of two novel radical S-adenosylmethionine proteins required for the assembly of an active [Fe] hydrogenase
MC Posewitz, PW King, SL Smolinski, L Zhang, M Seibert, ML Ghirardi
Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (24), 25711-25720, 2004
[FeFe]-and [NiFe]-hydrogenase diversity, mechanism, and maturation
JW Peters, GJ Schut, ES Boyd, DW Mulder, EM Shepard, JB Broderick, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1853 (6), 1350-1369, 2015
Characterization of Photochemical Processes for H2 Production by CdS Nanorod–[FeFe] Hydrogenase Complexes
KA Brown, MB Wilker, M Boehm, G Dukovic, PW King
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (12), 5627-5636, 2012
Maturation of hydrogenases
A Böck, PW King, M Blokesch, MC Posewitz
Advances in microbial physiology 51, 1-225, 2006
Functional Studies of [FeFe] Hydrogenase Maturation in an Escherichia coli Biosynthetic System
PW King, MC Posewitz, ML Ghirardi, M Seibert
Journal of bacteriology 188 (6), 2163-2172, 2006
[FeFe]-hydrogenase-catalyzed H2 production in a photoelectrochemical biofuel cell
M Hambourger, M Gervaldo, D Svedruzic, PW King, D Gust, M Ghirardi, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (6), 2015-2022, 2008
Expression of two [Fe]‐hydrogenases in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under anaerobic conditions
M Forestier, P King, L Zhang, M Posewitz, S Schwarzer, T Happe, ...
European Journal of Biochemistry 270 (13), 2750-2758, 2003
Controlled assembly of hydrogenase-CdTe nanocrystal hybrids for solar hydrogen production
KA Brown, S Dayal, X Ai, G Rumbles, PW King
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (28), 9672-9680, 2010
Insights into [FeFe]-hydrogenase structure, mechanism, and maturation
DW Mulder, EM Shepard, JE Meuser, N Joshi, PW King, MC Posewitz, ...
Structure 19 (8), 1038-1052, 2011
Finding gas diffusion pathways in proteins: application to O2 and H2 transport in CpI [FeFe]-hydrogenase and the role of packing defects
J Cohen, K Kim, P King, M Seibert, K Schulten
Structure 13 (9), 1321-1329, 2005
Catalytic turnover of [FeFe]-hydrogenase based on single-molecule imaging
C Madden, MD Vaughn, I Díez-Pérez, KA Brown, PW King, D Gust, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (3), 1577-1582, 2012
Photosynthetic electron partitioning between [FeFe]-hydrogenase and ferredoxin: NADP+-oxidoreductase (FNR) enzymes in vitro
I Yacoby, S Pochekailov, H Toporik, ML Ghirardi, PW King, S Zhang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (23), 9396-9401, 2011
Electron Transfer Kinetics in CdS Nanorod–[FeFe]-Hydrogenase Complexes and Implications for Photochemical H2 Generation
MB Wilker, KE Shinopoulos, KA Brown, DW Mulder, PW King, G Dukovic
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (11), 4316-4324, 2014
[FeFe]-hydrogenase oxygen inactivation is initiated at the H cluster 2Fe subcluster
KD Swanson, MW Ratzloff, DW Mulder, JH Artz, S Ghose, A Hoffman, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (5), 1809-1816, 2015
Identification of a catalytic iron-hydride at the H-cluster of [FeFe]-hydrogenase
DW Mulder, Y Guo, MW Ratzloff, PW King
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (1), 83-86, 2017
Electron bifurcation
JW Peters, AF Miller, AK Jones, PW King, MWW Adams
Current opinion in chemical biology 31, 146-152, 2016
The Electron Bifurcating FixABCX Protein Complex from Azotobacter vinelandii: Generation of Low-Potential Reducing Equivalents for Nitrogenase Catalysis
RN Ledbetter, AM Garcia Costas, CE Lubner, DW Mulder, ...
Biochemistry 56 (32), 4177-4190, 2017
Molecular dynamics and experimental investigation of H2 and O2 diffusion in [Fe]-hydrogenase
J Cohen, K Kim, M Posewitz, ML Ghirardi, K Schulten, M Seibert, P King
Biochemical Society Transactions 33 (1), 80-82, 2005
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