High-frequency copper losses in magnetic components with layered windings GS Dimitrakakis, EC Tatakis IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 45 (8), 3187-3199, 2009 | 63 | 2009 |
A semiempirical model to determine HF copper losses in magnetic components with nonlayered coils GS Dimitrakakis, EC Tatakis, EJ Rikos IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 23 (6), 2719-2728, 2008 | 28 | 2008 |
A new model for the determination of copper losses in transformer windings with arbitrary conductor distribution under high frequency sinusoidal excitation GS Dimitrakakis, EC Tatakis, EJ Rikos 2007 European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 1-10, 2007 | 27 | 2007 |
A simple calorimetric setup for the accurate measurement of losses in power electronic converters GS Dimitrakakis, EC Tatakis, AC Nanakos Proceedings of the 2011 14th European Conference on Power Electronics and …, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |
Investigation of high frequency effects on layered coils GS Dimitrakakis, EC Tatakis 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference …, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
A novel design methodology maximizing the weighted-efficiency of flyback inverter for AC photovoltaic modules AC Nanakos, EC Tatakis, GS Dimitrakakis, NP Papanikolaou, AC Kyritsis Proceedings of the 2011 14th European Conference on Power Electronics and …, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Measurement issues related to high frequency sinusoidal excitation of magnetic coils GS Dimitrakakis, EC Tatakis 2004 IEEE 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004 | 9 | 2004 |
Analysis and design of a current fed resonant converter applied to high frequency magnetic cores measurements G Tselos, G Dimitrakakis, E Tatakis 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2006), 2006 | 5 | 2006 |
Generation of high frequency—Low distortion sinusoidal voltage, for magnetic coil measurements, using a current fed resonant converter G Dimitrakakis, E Tatakis 11th EPE—Power Electron. Motion Control Conf.(PEMC 2004), 2004 | 4 | 2004 |
Analysis and control of a current fed sine wave converter for use in high frequency coil measurements GS Dimitrakakis, EC Tatakis 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2, 1267-1272, 2004 | 4 | 2004 |
Design, Modeling, and Evaluation of a Class‐A Triaxial Force‐Balance Accelerometer of Linear Based Geometry N Germenis, G Dimitrakakis, E Sokos, P Nikolakopoulos Seismological Society of America 93 (4), 2138-2146, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
An improved model for the high frequency resistance of non-layered windings G Dimitrakakis, E Rikos, E Tatakis 2008 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 4277-4282, 2008 | 3 | 2008 |
Διερεύνηση των απωλειών μαγνητικών στοιχείων διαρρεόμενων απο υψίσυχνα ρεύματα για εφαρμογές σε διατάξεις ηλεκτρονικών ισχύος Γ Δημητρακάκης Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών. Σχολή Πολυτεχνική. Tμήμα Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και …, 2009 | 2 | 2009 |
High-Frequency Copper Losses in Magnetic Components With Layered Windings, Magnetics GS Dimitrakakis, EC Tatakis IEEE Transactions on 45 (8), 3187, 0 | 2 | |
Turning a linear geometry force-balance accelerometer to a broadband seismometer: design, modeling, and evaluation N Germenis, G Dimitrakakis, E Sokos, P Nikolakopoulos Journal of Seismology 27 (6), 999-1011, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Analysis and Design of a Current-Fed Resonant Inverter for Sinusoidal Excitation of Magnetic Components in the Megahertz Range GS Dimitrakakis, EC Tatakis IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (12), 5411-5423, 2011 | 1 | 2011 |
Fractional Order Inverse Filter for High Sensitivity–Low Noise Broadband Seismometer GS Dimitrakakis, NG Germenis, EN Sokos IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2025 | | 2025 |
Grid Quality Services from Smart Boilers: Experimental Verification on Realistic Scenarios for Micro-Grids with Demand-Side Management Oriented to Self-Consumption GS Dimitrakakis, KG Georgakas, ES Topalis, PN Vovos Energies 17 (9), 2096, 2024 | | 2024 |