Pierre-Yves HENRY
Pierre-Yves HENRY
Preverjeni e-poštni naslov na mnhn.fr - Domača stran
Advantages of volunteer‐based biodiversity monitoring in Europe
DS Schmeller, PY HENRY, R Julliard, B Gruber, J Clobert, F Dziock, ...
Conservation biology 23 (2), 307-316, 2009
The grey mouse lemur: a non-human primate model for ageing studies
S Languille, S Blanc, O Blin, CI Canale, A Dal-Pan, G Devau, M Dhenain, ...
Ageing research reviews 11 (1), 150-162, 2012
Adaptive phenotypic plasticity and resilience of vertebrates to increasing climatic unpredictability
CI Canale, PY Henry
Climate Research 43 (1-2), 135-147, 2010
Integrating ongoing biodiversity monitoring: potential benefits and methods
PY Henry, S Lengyel, P Nowicki, R Julliard, J Clobert, T Čelik, B Gruber, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 17, 3357-3382, 2008
Balancing state and volunteer investment in biodiversity monitoring for the implementation of CBD indicators: A French example
H Levrel, B Fontaine, PY Henry, F Jiguet, R Julliard, C Kerbiriou, ...
Ecological economics 69 (7), 1580-1586, 2010
Habitat monitoring in Europe: a description of current practices
S Lengyel, E Déri, Z Varga, R Horváth, B Tóthmérész, PY Henry, A Kobler, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 17, 3327-3339, 2008
Butterfly monitoring methods: the ideal and the real world
P Nowicki, J Settele, PY Henry, M Woyciechowski
Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution 54 (1), 69-88, 2008
Marking hard‐shelled gastropods: tag loss, impact on life‐history traits, and perspectives in biology
PY Henry, P Jarne
Invertebrate Biology 126 (2), 138-153, 2007
“Mind the gap!”–How well does Natura 2000 cover species of European interest?
B Gruber, D Evans, K Henle, B Bauch, D Schmeller, F Dziock, PY Henry, ...
Nature Conservation 3, 45-62, 2012
A review and a framework for the integration of biodiversity monitoring at the habitat level
S Lengyel, A Kobler, L Kutnar, E Framstad, PY Henry, V Babij, B Gruber, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 17, 3341-3356, 2008
When can we ignore the problem of imperfect detection in comparative studies?
F Archaux, PY Henry, O Gimenez
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3 (1), 188-194, 2012
Population biology of the invasive freshwater snail Physa acuta approached through genetic markers, ecological characterization and demography
L Bousset, PY Henry, P Sourrouille, P Jarne
Molecular ecology 13 (7), 2023-2036, 2004
Individual flexibility in energy saving: body size and condition constrain torpor use
P Vuarin, M Dammhahn, PY Henry
Functional Ecology 27 (3), 793-799, 2013
Bird-monitoring in Europe–a first overview of practices, motivations and aims
D Schmeller, K Henle, A Loyau, A Besnard, PY Henry
Nature Conservation 2, 41-57, 2012
Climate impacts on Mediterranean blue tit survival: an investigation across seasons and spatial scales
V Grosbois, PY HENRY, J Blondel, P Perret, JD LEBRETON, DW Thomas, ...
Global Change Biology 12 (12), 2235-2249, 2006
Which forest bird species are the main hosts of the tick, Ixodes ricinus, the vector of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, during the breeding season?
M Marsot, PY Henry, G Vourc’h, P Gasqui, E Ferquel, J Laignel, M Grysan, ...
International journal for parasitology 42 (8), 781-788, 2012
Rubber band ingestion by a rubbish dump dweller, the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)
PY Henry, G Wey, G Balança
Waterbirds 34 (4), 504-508, 2011
Growing in a city: Consequences on body size and plumage quality in an urban dweller, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
A Meillère, F Brischoux, PY Henry, B Michaud, R Garcin, F Angelier
Landscape and Urban Planning 160, 127-138, 2017
Convenience polyandry or convenience polygyny? Costly sex under female control in a promiscuous primate
E Huchard, CI Canale, C Le Gros, M Perret, PY Henry, PM Kappeler
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1732), 1371-1379, 2012
Environment‐dependent inbreeding depression in a hermaphroditic freshwater snail
PY Henry, R Pradel, P Jarne
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16 (6), 1211-1222, 2003
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