Ali Azizivahed
Multi-objective optimal power flow considering the cost, emission, voltage deviation and power losses using multi-objective modified imperialist competitive algorithm
M Ghasemi, S Ghavidel, MM Ghanbarian, M Gharibzadeh, AA Vahed
Energy 78, 276-289, 2014
Energy management strategy in dynamic distribution network reconfiguration considering renewable energy resources and storage
A Azizivahed, A Arefi, S Ghavidel, M Shafie-Khah, L Li, J Zhang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (2), 662-673, 2019
Enhanced gravitational search algorithm for multi‐objective distribution feeder reconfiguration considering reliability, loss and operational cost
MR Narimani, A Azizi Vahed, R Azizipanah‐Abarghooee, M Javidsharifi
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 8 (1), 55-69, 2014
A review on resilience studies in active distribution systems
DK Mishra, MJ Ghadi, A Azizivahed, L Li, J Zhang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135, 110201, 2021
Multistage distribution system expansion planning considering distributed generation using hybrid evolutionary algorithms
M Gitizadeh, AA Vahed, J Aghaei
Applied energy 101, 655-666, 2013
Distribution expansion planning considering reliability and security of energy using modified PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) algorithm
J Aghaei, KM Muttaqi, A Azizivahed, M Gitizadeh
Energy 65, 398-411, 2014
A new bi-objective approach to energy management in distribution networks with energy storage systems
A Azizivahed, E Naderi, H Narimani, M Fathi, MR Narimani
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (1), 56-64, 2017
Solving non-linear, non-smooth and non-convex optimal power flow problems using chaotic invasive weed optimization algorithms based on chaos
M Ghasemi, S Ghavidel, E Akbari, AA Vahed
Energy 73, 340-353, 2014
A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for secure multi-objective distribution feeder reconfiguration
A Azizivahed, H Narimani, E Naderi, M Fathi, MR Narimani
Energy 138, 355-373, 2017
Multi-objective distribution feeder reconfiguration to improve transient stability, and minimize power loss and operation cost using an enhanced evolutionary algorithm at the …
E Mahboubi-Moghaddam, MR Narimani, MH Khooban, A Azizivahed
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 76, 35-43, 2016
Multi-objective dynamic distribution feeder reconfiguration in automated distribution systems
A Azizivahed, H Narimani, M Fathi, E Naderi, HR Safarpour, MR Narimani
Energy 147, 896-914, 2018
From active distribution systems to decentralized microgrids: A review on regulations and planning approaches based on operational factors
MJ Ghadi, A Rajabi, S Ghavidel, A Azizivahed, L Li, J Zhang
Applied Energy 253, 113543, 2019
A review on economic and technical operation of active distribution systems
MJ Ghadi, S Ghavidel, A Rajabi, A Azizivahed, L Li, J Zhang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 104, 38-53, 2019
Risk-constrained bidding strategy for a joint operation of wind power and CAES aggregators
S Ghavidel, MJ Ghadi, A Azizivahed, J Aghaei, L Li, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (1), 457-466, 2019
A comprehensive study of practical economic dispatch problems by a new hybrid evolutionary algorithm
E Naderi, A Azizivahed, H Narimani, M Fathi, MR Narimani
Applied Soft Computing 61, 1186-1206, 2017
A multi-objective framework for multi-area economic emission dispatch
H Narimani, SE Razavi, A Azizivahed, E Naderi, M Fathi, MH Ataei, ...
Energy 154, 126-142, 2018
Multi-objective placement and sizing of DGs in distribution networks ensuring transient stability using hybrid evolutionary algorithm
M Nayeripour, E Mahboubi-Moghaddam, J Aghaei, A Azizi-Vahed
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 25, 759-767, 2013
A hybrid Jaya algorithm for reliability–redundancy allocation problems
S Ghavidel, A Azizivahed, L Li
Engineering Optimization 50 (4), 698-715, 2018
Risk-oriented multi-area economic dispatch solution with high penetration of wind power generation and compressed air energy storage system
A Azizivahed, SE Razavi, A Arefi, MJ Ghadi, L Li, J Zhang, M Shafie-khah, ...
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 11 (3), 1569-1578, 2019
State-of-the-art technologies for volt-var control to support the penetration of renewable energy into the smart distribution grids
K Gholami, MR Islam, MM Rahman, A Azizivahed, A Fekih
Energy Reports 8, 8630-8651, 2022
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